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Undefined articles by Mind Map: Undefined articles

1. a

1.1. is used with the words that with consonants

2. some examples are

2.1. a dog

2.2. a book

2.3. a cat

3. some exceptions

3.1. Exceptions It is important to keep in mind that not all nouns that start with a consonant start with the consonant sound. Always trust the sound, not the letter when applying the rule in front of a. Remember, it's about pronunciation.

4. an

4.1. is used with words that begin with vowels or silent.

5. some rules are

5.1. Simple accounting nouns: we use a / an in front of a countable noun for example. a pencil a lamp

5.2. Naming something for the first time When we refer to a thing or a person for the first time We have a new car (we have a new car) → (1st time: we do not know anything about the car) The car is blue (the car is blue) → (now the definite article is used because it is referred to).

5.3. . Professions We use a / an in front of any profession. She is a teacher (she is a teacher) He is a doctor (he is a doctor) I am an accountant (I am so accountant)

6. some examples are

6.1. an Apple

6.2. one hour

6.3. an umbrella