1. Created by Ada Nathalie Sanchez
2. Onwuegbuzie and Leech (2005) further assert that the choice of research methodology should be dependent upon the research questions.
3. Qualitative
3.1. It is not the easier option!
3.2. It is not less scientific
3.3. Used to building a new theory
3.4. World view as different realitiies
3.4.1. social reality is continuously constructed in social situations.
3.4.2. qualitative researchers become personally involved with research participants.
3.5. Whenever you want to explore indepth
3.6. Constructivism or Natural approach
3.7. Inductive Process
3.8. Types
3.8.1. Ethnographies,
3.8.2. Grounded Theories
3.8.3. Case studies
3.8.4. Phenomenological studies
3.9. qualitative researchers study cases. instead of population
4. Quantitative
4.1. Numbers
4.2. Instruments to measure
4.3. Statistical Component
4.4. Used for Theory Testing
4.5. World view as a single reality
4.6. Use for studies that involve great populations
4.7. Whenever you wh<t to generalize or have an overview
4.8. AKA Traditional, Positivist, Experimental or empiristic
4.9. 2 types of methodolohgies
4.9.1. Experiments True Experiments Quasiexperiments Applied Behavioral Analysis
4.9.2. Survey
4.10. Deductive process
4.11. Independent Variables
4.11.1. Biological events (such as food deprivation);
4.11.2. • Social environments;
4.11.3. Hereditary factors;
4.11.4. Previous training and experience; and
4.11.5. • Maturity
4.12. Dependent Variables
4.12.1. the responses or the criterion variables presumed to be "caused" or influenced by the independent variable
4.13. Collecting Data
4.13.1. Random sampling (allows to generalize)
4.13.2. Needs a Data Instrument New Preexisting Permission to use Has validity and reliabolity