by parlinzhaadaa phatcharapisitgul
1. Dauther oF 2 FamiLy
1.1. MaiN oF Income FroM Me ( ReaL Mother and Real FamiLy)
1.1.1. Spend money for Mother 15000 B.
1.1.2. Response for brother by Gift in Special Day
1.1.3. Now i must to find big money for New house
1.2. I'm only Residents ,paY sometime (FamiLy in Law)
1.2.1. I live in their house and never pay money
1.2.2. I must to become find money to pay a loan by myself
1.2.3. I'm alway join with socail charity
1.2.4. Find a way to buy a new home for Dad and mom