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Video Game by Mind Map: Video Game

1. Backgrounds/settings

1.1. School

1.1.1. Classrooms Maths English Science Labs Drama Room

1.1.2. Oval/field Sport is played here Tennis/Basketball/Netball courts included in this

1.1.3. Libraray Where tutoring is held Some classes may be held here

1.2. Park

1.2.1. Come here to study

1.3. Library

1.3.1. Come here to study as well

1.4. The mall

1.4.1. Come here to avoid studying/hang out with friends

1.5. Parties

1.5.1. The more social you are the more parties you get invited to

2. Menu

2.1. Has 'artsy' stye of desk, each item on desk corrolates to a different menu item

2.2. Items

2.2.1. Laptop - Gameplay

2.2.2. Textbook - Settings

2.2.3. Notebook - Highscores

2.2.4. Pin up board - Save points and backstory

3. Bonus characters

3.1. Mum and Dad

3.1.1. Not in the storyline massively but will appear in correlation to grades

3.2. Siblings

3.2.1. Brothers 1 older brother

3.2.2. Sisters 1 older sister

3.3. Teachers

3.3.1. Maths

3.3.2. English

3.3.3. Science

3.3.4. Tutor Is a student from drama class

3.3.5. Drama

3.4. Friends

3.4.1. Minimum 7 and have different characteristics, some are more prominent during when grades are higher some it is the opposite and try to draw down grades

3.5. Students

3.5.1. Different students excel in different areas, can ask for help from some for subjects. Others are 'popular' and what the character wants be be like.

4. Character

4.1. Female

4.2. Green skinned - more easily relatable from different cultures

4.3. Navy blue hair

4.4. Geeky - plays video games

5. Storyline/gameplay

5.1. Following adolescence

5.2. Earn points for maintaining grandes and social life

5.3. If social becomes too prominent and grades start too fall points get lost and if grades become too prominent and friendships are lost then points are lost

5.4. Early game structure - maximum resource state

6. Similar Games

6.1. Sims

6.2. Tomadachi Life

6.3. Animal Crossing

6.4. Nintendogs

6.5. Fantasy collection

7. Achievemnets

7.1. Academic Awards

7.1.1. When having amazing grades

7.2. Social Awrds

7.2.1. When maintaining a healthy social life

7.3. Balence Awards

7.3.1. When balancing a social life and academic success