Sherlock holmes and the strange Mr. angel

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Sherlock holmes and the strange Mr. angel by Mind Map: Sherlock holmes and the strange Mr. angel

1. he has money

1.1. Sherlock holmes asks you a some questions

1.1.1. He is a Mr.Angel

2. asks help sherlock holmes

2.1. She is discovery that they are same people

3. he is a Mr.Windibank

4. ¡Mr.Angel and Mr.Windibank are same people

5. Sherlock holmes

5.1. detective

5.1.1. solved crimes he interrogates Mr.Windibank

6. Dr.Watson

6.1. the best friends a sherclock holmes

6.1.1. he helps to solve the crimen

6.2. is strange

6.2.1. he disappears

7. Mr.Angel

8. Miss sutherland

9. Mr.Windibank