Community service

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Community service by Mind Map: Community service

1. What is it?

1.1. non-paying job

1.2. one person or a group of people

1.3. for the benefit of the community or its institutions

1.4. not always on a voluntary basis

2. Where Can You Find Community Service Projects?

2.1. Places where you'd like to volunteer

2.1.1. clubs, places of worship, community centers...

2.1.2. check their website, bulletin board, or newsletter

2.2. Your school or groups you belong to

2.3. Your community itself

3. What Are Examples of Community Service?

3.1. Working with schoolchildren

3.2. Working with senior citizens

3.3. Improving the environment

3.4. Helping low-income people

4. Why is Community Service Important?

4.1. Develop a Richer Perspective of the World You Live In

4.2. Connect What You Learn in School to the Real World

4.3. Get Ahead in the College Admissions Process

5. It may be...

5.1. required by a government as a part of citizenship requirements

5.2. required as a substitution of, or in addition to, other criminal justice sanctions (community payback)

5.3. mandated by schools to meet the requirements of a class

6. What Are the Benefits?

6.1. Have the opportunity to help others

6.2. Learn about different careers

6.2.1. Can help you get an internship

6.2.2. or job in the future

6.2.3. opportunity to see how much you would enjoy a particular career

6.3. Gain hands-on experience

6.3.1. construction

6.3.2. painting

6.3.3. customer service

6.3.4. medical skills

6.4. Personal growth

6.4.1. learn about your personal strengths and weaknesses

6.4.2. Develop skills in... leadership communication working well with a team good time management

6.5. Gain new friends

6.6. College Benefits

6.6.1. You can include such work on resume

6.6.2. one of the most popular extracurricular activities to list on college applications

6.6.3. great topic matter for a college application essay

6.7. letters of recommendation

6.7.1. personal motivations

6.7.2. practice academic material outside of the context of the classroom and testing

6.7.3. develop critical thinking skills while solving real-world problems

6.7.4. think about problems and social issues in new ways

6.8. Health Benefits

6.8.1. good for your mind and conscience

6.8.2. good for your body

6.8.3. make feel happier

6.8.4. protects people from depression

7. How to Get Started?

7.1. Do try to find the right opportunity for you

7.2. Don’t volunteer abroad just because you think it looks better

7.3. Do try to find a cause that you are passionate about

7.4. Don’t be afraid of making a change

7.5. Do enjoy yourself!