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Co-sleeping by Mind Map: Co-sleeping

1. What are the risks of co-sleeping?

1.1. Rolling over onto the child during sleep

1.2. SIDS

1.3. Suffocation

2. How can I prepare my room for co-sleeping?

2.1. Create a sleep environment with nothing but a tight fitted sheet

2.2. No blankets

2.3. No pillows

2.4. No loose sheets

3. What is co-sleeping?

3.1. The practice of sleeping in the same bed with your child or in close proximity

4. What is the safest position for a young child to co-sleep in?

4.1. Have the child sleep on their backs

5. What are ways you can get your child to start sleeping in their own bed?

5.1. Do it gradually - gradually transition

5.2. Don't give up - it can take some time for the child to get used to sleeping in their own bed

5.3. Be consistent - establish a bedtime routine

5.4. Use a reward system - you can use a sleep chart or reward system such as tokens or stickers (over age of 3)

6. What are some tips for keeping the child safe when co-sleeping?

6.1. Place the mattress on the floor, making sure there are no crevices

6.2. Don't let the child sleep on a soft surface

6.3. Secure any fitted sheets

6.4. Remove all pillows, blankets, and heavy quilts from the bed beforehand

7. What are the benefits of co-sleeping?

7.1. Encourages breastfeeding and makes it easier on the mother

7.2. Parent-child bond

8. What is the best age to start and end co-sleeping?

8.1. Start when an infant

8.2. End before the age of two