Skills and Competencies (learning needs and support needed based on Planning ws n SL Seminar, Lit...

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Skills and Competencies (learning needs and support needed based on Planning ws n SL Seminar, Literature Reviews) by Mind Map: Skills and Competencies (learning needs and support needed based on Planning ws n SL Seminar, Literature Reviews)

1. ICT use

1.1. understanding of TPACK

1.2. How would ICT enhance the learning?

1.3. deep pedagogies using ICT

2. School Organization

2.1. SLs need to have a vision of learning

2.1.1. being able to come up with policies/ frameworks for TnL (with mp3) in schools

2.2. Create ICT culture of school-

2.2.1. to create opportunities of learning

2.3. flexible structure in terms of resource mgt (time tabling, deployment, TnL resources for stds, infrastructure)

2.4. SLs to role model

2.4.1. SLs must walk the talk

2.4.2. SLs to model the use of Tech

2.4.3. P as Instructional leaders

2.5. distributed Leadership???

2.6. Mindset

2.6.1. Priority of ICT How would ICT enhance the learning?

3. Teaching and Learning

3.1. curriculum

3.2. pedagogy

3.3. assessment

4. policies

4.1. understanding of SDL/ CoL

4.2. interpretation of the interconnectednessof mp3, DOE, C2015

4.2.1. channels/ platforms of communication

5. professional development

5.1. SLs to lead PD of teachers

5.2. supervision of lesson observation

5.3. community of learners