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DVRC Research by Mind Map: DVRC Research

1. Urban Planing

1.1. Road Design

1.1.1. Width of pedestrian sidewalks

1.1.2. Evenness of paved surfaces

1.1.3. Universal access of paved pedestrian areas

1.1.4. Wayfinding

1.2. Greenery

1.2.1. Green belt(interval)

1.2.2. Tree

1.2.3. Decoration

1.3. Leisure

1.4. Traffic route

1.4.1. Bus Station

1.5. Hygiene

2. Case Study

2.1. Times Square, NYC

2.2. Seoul Cheong Gye Cheon

2.3. Toronto’s Gardiner Expressway

2.4. Philadelphia’s Rail Park

2.5. Seoullo 7017

3. History

3.1. Street planing

3.2. Traffic planing

3.3. Changing of the store

3.4. Activities

4. Site Problem

4.1. Lacking of Space

4.1.1. Pedestrian

4.1.2. Traffic bus taxi

4.1.3. Howker

4.2. Lack of Leisure Space

4.2.1. No bench for sitting

4.3. Lack of Greenery

4.3.1. Shelter blocks tree from growing

4.3.2. No shadow for pedestrian

4.4. Not disabled-friendly

4.4.1. Stair

4.4.2. Changing floor level

4.5. Inconvenient Crosswalk Design

4.6. Air pollution

4.7. Canyon Effect

4.7.1. Traps pollutants

4.7.2. Limits sunlight

5. Cultural Factor

5.1. Historical shops

5.1.1. Shoemaker

5.2. Hawker