Technologies West Australian Curriculum

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Technologies West Australian Curriculum by Mind Map: Technologies West Australian Curriculum

1. General Capabilities

1.1. Literacy

1.1.1. Students develop literacy as they learn to communicate ideas and concepts, read and interpret written instructions, prepare engineering drawings, instructions and coding and write relevant documents such as briefs and project outlines

1.2. Numeracy

1.2.1. Students use numbers to calculate, measure, estimate, draw conclusions, record and to develop and test ideas. When using software and materials, students need an understanding of number, scale, measurement and volume.

1.3. ICT

1.3.1. In Digital Technologies, students develop an understanding of data, digital systems and computational thinking. In Design and Technologies, ICT skills are strengthened, complemented and extended.

1.4. Personal and social capability

1.4.1. Students develop these skills as they participate in project management in an collaborative workplace. These skills are developed further by researching and identifying user needs and considering the impact of decisions on people.

1.5. Critical and Creative Thinking

1.5.1. Students use these skills when generating and developing ideas as they consider problems that do not have straightforward solutions. Additionally, they use these skills when considering possible and preferred solutions.

1.6. Ethical Understanding

1.6.1. Students develop these skills when collaborating with others and sharing and using technologies. They use safe and ethical procedures when working with others, materials and technologies. They use an ethical lens when investigating technological priorities.

1.7. Intercultural Understanding

1.7.1. Students investigate technologies used in diverse communities, how technologies are used to interact with others across boundaries and cultural traditions and identities influence solutions

2. Student Diversity

2.1. Students with disability

2.1.1. Physical and/or cognitive Adjustments to the delivery of lessons may be required. For example, using modified tools and/or equipment to design solutions, curriculum adjustments etc.

2.2. English as an additional language or dialect

2.3. Gifted and talented students

2.3.1. More in depth learning content, emphasising general capabilities and/or focussing on cross-curricular priorites

3. Cross-Curricular Priorites

3.1. Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders histories and cultures

3.1.1. Students explore how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' capacity for innovation is evident in a range of traditional, contemporary and emerging technologies

3.2. Asia and Australia's engagement with Asia

3.2.1. Develop an understanding of technologies processes and productions and related cultural, social and ethical issues

3.3. Sustainability

3.3.1. Provides authentic contexts for creating preferred futures

4. Key Ideas and Concepts

4.1. Creating Preferred Futures

4.1.1. The Technologies Curriculum encourages students to consider how solutions created today will be used in the future. The solutions which they consider and develop take into account liveability, economic prosperity and environmental sustainability.

4.2. Project Management

4.2.1. Students will plan, organise, monitor timelines, resources and activities to manage projects and work towards their successful completion. They also consider resource restraints and the sustainable use of resources.

4.3. Thinking in Technologies

4.3.1. Systems Thinking DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES: students must understand how systems work and consider the connectedness and interactions between people, places and events. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: students must understand the complexities of systems and interdependencies of the components to create solutions

4.3.2. Design Thinking DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES: design thinking underpins Design and Technologies, with students required to use design processes to generate, plan, create and evaluate products and processes. DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: students explore, analyse and develop ideas based on data, inputs and human behaviour when developing solutions

4.3.3. Computational Thinking DESIGN AND TECHNOLOGIES: students use computational thinking skills during different phases of a design process when computation is needed to quantify data and solve problems DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES: students use computational thinking when specifying and implementing algorithmic solutions.

4.4. Information and Communication Technologies

4.4.1. Students develop specific knowledge, understanding and skills relating to the operating and managing of ICT. In Digital Technologies, students specifically develop these skills, while the Design and Technologies curriculum strengthens and compliments these skills.

4.5. Safety

4.5.1. The safe use of technologies, as well as the identification and management of risks, is addressed throughout the curriculum. Technologies learning activities may involve potentially hazardous equipment and resources. Therefore, students must be taught to handle these resources/equipments safely.

4.6. Animal Ethics

4.6.1. Any learning activities that involve interaction with animals must comply with the 'Australian code of practice for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes' in addition to other state/territory legislation.

5. Technologies Strands

5.1. Digital Technologies

5.1.1. Knowledge and Understanding Digital Systems Representations of Date

5.1.2. Process and Production Skills Collecting, managing and analysing data Digital Implementation Create solutions by: Investigating and Defining Designing Producing and Implementing Evaluating Collaborating and Managing

5.2. Design and Technologies

5.2.1. Knowledge and Understanding Technologies Contexts Engineering Principles and Systems Food and Fibre Production Food Specialisations Materials and Technologies Specialisations Technologies and Society The use, development and impact of technologies

5.2.2. Process and Production Skills Create solutions by: Investigating and Defining Designing Producing and Implementing Evaluating Collaborating and Managing

6. Aims

6.1. Investigate, design, plan, manage, create and evaluate solutions

6.2. To be creative, innovative and enterprising when using technologies

6.3. Make informed and ethical decisions about the role, impact and use of technologies

6.4. Engage confidently with and responsibly select technologies

6.5. Critique, analyse and evaluate problems and needs to identify and create solutions

7. Design and Technologies aims

7.1. Produce design solutions suitable for a range of technologies contexts

7.2. Understand roles and responsibilities of people in design and technologies occupations

8. Digital Technologies aims

8.1. Use computational thinking and key concepts of abstraction

8.2. Use digital systems to efficiently and effectively transform data into information

8.3. Apply systems thinking and understand the impact of these systems