Introduction to lexicology

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Introduction to lexicology by Mind Map: Introduction to lexicology

1. The notion of the lexical system

2. The object of lexicology

3. The relationship between the lexical meaning and the notion

4. Lexical meaning of English word

4.1. Lexical meaning

4.2. Grammatical meaning

4.3. Lexico-Grammatical meaning

5. Lexicology connected with:

5.1. Phonetics

5.1.1. Stylistic Grammar

6. Two principle approaches to study the language material

6.1. Synchronic

6.1.1. Diachronic

7. The English word as a structure

7.1. Prefix

7.1.1. Stem Suffix

8. Lexical units

8.1. Morphemes

8.1.1. Words Word groups Phraseological units

9. Motivation

9.1. Phonetical

9.1.1. Morphological Symantec

10. Lexicology divided into:

10.1. Contrast

10.1.1. Historical Descriptive