by tessa stephens
1. Purpose
1.1. Vacation
2. Before I Go
2.1. Acquire a Passport
2.2. Acquire an ETA Tourist Visa
2.2.1. Ability to stay in country for up to 3 months
2.3. Travel Insurance: in my best interest to purchase
3. Transportation
3.1. Plane Ride ~20 hour trip
3.2. Rental Cars while in the country
4. UNESCO Sites
4.1. Great Barrier Reef
4.2. Shark Bay
5. Relation to Microbiology
5.1. Nancy Millis
5.1.1. taught 1st microbio course in Australia
5.2. June Lacelles
5.2.1. Pioneer work in microbial photosynthesis
6. Compared to Home
6.1. similar land mass
6.2. massive coastlines
6.3. similar birth/death rates
6.4. IMR: slightly lower
6.5. GDP about 18 Trillion LOWER
6.6. Similar life expectancies
7. Lodging
7.1. AirB&Bs
7.2. Hotels
8. Timing
8.1. Spring (September-November)
8.2. Weather is similar to Florida's springs
8.3. Common pollen and dust
8.3.1. Dengue fever (rare)