Heart defects that increase pulmonary BF (L-R shunt)
by Kellie Leonard
1. PDA (Patent Ductus Arteriosus)
1.1. cause: persistent fetal circulation in premies (< 37 weeks)
1.2. "machinery" murmur/thrill in pulmonic area
1.3. normal for newborns ductus to close by 2-3 days -> PDA if it doesn't close during this time.
1.4. TX: surgery @ 2-4 months for mitral valve replacement/patch, transcatheter closure, thorascopic surgery/clip ligation, IV ibuprofen and indomethacin to close PDA (don't use if CHF present/term infants)
1.5. risk for respiratory infections/pneumonia
1.6. asymptomatic
1.6.1. if symptomatic you will see tachypnea, tachycardia, full bounding pulses, intercostal retractions, poor growth, CHF, (large PDA)
1.7. DX: CXR, ECG- left ventricular hypertrophy
1.8. connection of aorta and pulmonary artery
1.9. no long term complications
2. S/s for all: tachypnea, tachycardia, CHF, acrocyanosis ( pink baby
3. VSD (Ventricular Septal Defect)
3.1. opening in ventricles
3.2. systolic murmur heard at 3rd/4th L intercostal space @ sternal border
3.2.1. thrill present
3.3. small VSDS= no s/s
3.4. large VSDS = CHF, poor growth, decrease exercise intolerance, increased pulmonary infections/HTN
3.5. down syndrome pts
3.6. DX: CXR, ECG
3.6.1. CXR for large opening= enlarged heart and pulmonary vascular markings w/shunting
3.7. should usually close within 6 months
3.7.1. If unable to close, surgery at 6 months-1 y/o unless CHF cannot be managed
3.8. TX: surgery, cardiac cath, pacemaker
3.8.1. Complications: arrhthymias, infection, R branch block or heart block