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Future City by Mind Map: Future City

1. Set up

1.1. project tools

1.1.1. SeeSaw

1.1.2. SimCity ? access

1.1.3. meistertask

1.2. kids

1.2.1. application

1.2.2. ? 5th grade

1.3. introduction

1.3.1. overview

1.3.2. deliverables

1.3.3. work / can do

1.3.4. collaborate, plan, track

2. Process

2.1. collaborate

2.2. tracking

2.2.1. goals, measure, progress

2.2.2. * plan

2.3. ideas, notes, changes

2.4. rubrics, requirements

3. Imagine

3.1. cities + 100 years

3.2. city name

3.3. population

3.4. location

3.5. has / needs

3.5.1. POWER

3.5.2. transportation

3.5.3. utilities

3.5.4. education

3.5.5. housing

3.5.6. jobs

4. Improve

5. Create

5.1. SimCity virtual city

5.2. Essay

5.3. Presentation

5.3.1. Q&A / interview

5.4. City model

5.5. * Plan

6. Plan

6.1. What does our team's solution look like?

6.2. What is required to get the work done?

6.3. dates, deadlines, schedule

6.4. who, what, when

7. Ask

7.1. competion requirements