Rhetoric in politics

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Rhetoric in politics by Mind Map: Rhetoric in politics

1. testimonials

2. Propaganda techniques

2.1. endorsements

2.2. attck ads

2.3. stacking the deck

2.4. plain folks

2.5. glittering generalities

2.6. guilt by association

2.7. coat-tailing

3. Logical Fallacies

3.1. ad humming

3.2. Straw man

3.3. Appeal to Ignorance

3.4. False Dilemma

3.5. Slippery Slope

3.6. Circular Argument

3.7. Hasty Genaralization

3.8. Red Herring

3.9. Casual Facilities

3.10. Tu Quoque

4. Rhetorical appeals

4.1. Ethos

4.2. pathos

4.3. logos