About make-up and beauty

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About make-up and beauty by Mind Map: About make-up and beauty

1. Base make-up

2. Foundation

3. Eye shadows

4. Fasial cleanser

5. Mascara

6. Cover up

7. Eye base

8. Hair spray

9. Eyeliner

10. Powder

11. Bronzer

12. Brow pencil

12.1. Eye base

12.2. Eyebrow pencil

12.3. Eyeliner

13. Highlighter

14. Lip gloss

15. Make-up primer

16. Make-up primer

17. Mask

18. Nail polish

19. Pressed powder

20. Rouge

21. Shaving cream

22. Soap

23. Tanning lotion

24. Tanning lotion

25. Cleansing wipes for makeup removal

26. Cotton pad

27. Cotton pad

28. Eyelash comb

29. Kleenex

30. Lip brush

31. Make-up bag

32. Make-up sponge

33. Pencil sharpener

34. Q-tips

35. Washcloth

36. Face tint

37. Brow gel

38. Make-up

39. Beauty

40. Conceal the blemishes

41. Tighten the skin

42. Make the skin less oily

43. Enhance the rim of your lips

44. Highlight the shape of your eyes

45. Remove makeup

46. To apply the bronzer all over the face

47. Types of mascara:volumising,lash defining,waterproof

48. To use a lipbalm

49. To line the eyes

49.1. To coat eyelashes

49.2. To cover

49.3. To do eyebrows,eyes

49.4. To line the eyes

49.5. To line the lips

50. To pluck eyebrows

51. Make-up case

52. Brushes

53. Cotton balls

54. Make-up cleansing wipes

55. Lipstick

56. Conditioner

57. Deodorant

58. Hair conditioner

59. Illuminator

60. Concealer

61. Cleansing lotion

61.1. Face cream

61.2. Face bar

61.3. Liquid foundation

61.4. Gel

62. Fake eyelashes

63. Lip liner

64. Lotion

65. Make-up remover

66. Waterproof mascara

67. Moisturiser

68. Primerro

69. Serum

69.1. Perfume

70. Shampoo

71. Shower gel

72. Tinted moisturzer

73. Toner

74. Comb

75. Cotton puff

76. Eyelash curler

77. Hairbrush

78. Looking glass

79. Make-up case

80. Nail file

81. Powder puff

82. Tweezers

83. Facecloth

84. Blush

85. Lip gloss

86. Cosmetics

87. Brightener

88. Even out the tone of skin

89. Add moisture to the skin

90. Add color to your lips

91. Add color to your lips

92. Add glossy appearance to your skin

93. Volumise your eyelashes

94. To hide spots and flaws or blemishes of the skin

95. To use eyelash curlers

96. Skin glowing with health

97. To match,to suit

98. To touch up