Alibaba Group

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Alibaba Group by Mind Map: Alibaba Group

1. employer

1.1. 4.400 employees 2007

1.2. 66.500 employees 2018

1.2.1. operations and customer service: 25.000

1.2.2. research and development: 25.000

1.2.3. Sales and Marketing: 10.000

1.2.4. Administration: 6.500

2. stock exchange

2.1. April 2007 - flotation

2.2. 2012 end of flotation by delisting

2.3. 19th September 2014: Listing on the New York Stock Exchange

3. sales

3.1. 2017 over 4,8 Billionen Renminbi (768 Mrd. Euro)

3.2. by Force Global 2000 studies is on place 81 of the worlds largest companies

3.2.1. stock exchange worth of 500 Billion Dollar

4. November 2017: Holding of 1/3 of the Sun Art Retail Group

5. 2012: Yahoo sells their Shares of 40% back to Alibaba

5.1. since then Yahoo has still 20%

6. December 2015: Takeover of South China Morning Post

7. August 2017: First Smartcar - Roewe RX5

8. several subsdidiaries


8.2. AliExpress

8.3. Taobao

8.4. Ant Financial

8.5. AliYun
