Online Shopping

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Online Shopping by Mind Map: Online Shopping

1. Transportation

1.1. Courier

1.2. Mail

1.3. Freight

2. Support

2.1. Guarantee

2.2. Help desk

2.3. Service

3. Disadvantages

3.1. Shipping charges

3.2. Not able to see the item physically

4. Emerging Trends

4.1. Increasing competition

4.2. Changing customer lifestyles

4.3. Changing media roles and technological advances

5. Electronic commerce

5.1. Internet shop

5.2. Online store

5.3. Virtual store

6. New shopping system

6.1. Quick delivery

6.2. Variety of features to offer

6.3. 24/7 available

7. Goods

8. Advantages

8.1. Convenience

8.2. Time Saving

8.3. Huge variety of products

8.4. Better prices

8.5. Buying products from other countries

9. Payment

9.1. Credit Cards

9.2. Online payment service

9.3. Invoice

9.4. On delivery

10. Customer

10.1. Address

10.2. Name

10.3. Email