What are the skills possessed by people working in an advertising agency?

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What are the skills possessed by people working in an advertising agency? by Mind Map: What are the skills possessed by people working in an advertising agency?

1. Collaborator

1.1. Collaborate with customers

1.2. Collaborating with other workers

2. Promotor

2.1. promote a quality relationship with consumers

2.2. Sell your ideas to others

2.3. Promoting brands for specific audiences

3. Technology Application Skills

3.1. Design Software

3.2. video editing

3.3. After Effects

3.4. Animation Software

3.5. Video production

3.6. 3D animation (Maya)

3.7. Photograpghy

4. Following Directions

4.1. From the movie director while playing video games.

5. Hardworking

5.1. Some people spend a lot of time at work (live There)

6. Listening

6.1. Trying to understand what client want

6.2. Understand what co-workers are saying

6.3. Data Science

7. Creative

7.1. Graphic Design

7.1.1. Logos/branding Visual ID

7.2. Writing

7.2.1. Online publications

7.3. Animation

7.4. Photography

7.5. Product names

7.6. illustration

8. Analytical

8.1. Understanding what makes a video viral

8.2. Understanding social speech (Social Networks)

9. Relationship building

9.1. Understanding your audience

9.2. with consumers