Fee-for-service to Value-Based Healthcare: Annamarie Astorga

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Fee-for-service to Value-Based Healthcare: Annamarie Astorga by Mind Map: Fee-for-service to Value-Based Healthcare:  Annamarie Astorga

1. Resources

1.1. Leadership

1.1.1. Charismatic Leadership

1.1.2. Human Resources Allow to keep the system in order through job titles and roles Are able to hire genuine people Allow for hiring positions that alleviate stress on primary care providers

1.2. Team Members

1.2.1. Charismatic and genuine

1.3. Budget

1.3.1. Budget will decrease based on more quality and less patients

2. Communication Strategies

2.1. Persuade clinics/hospitals through presentation

2.2. Have an outlined plan of initiatives

2.3. Documentation for progress reports and between workers

3. Technology

3.1. Increase in technology leading to a decrease in need of healthcare workers

3.2. Technology allows for quality through "telecommunication"

3.3. Provide means for resources when it comes to education

3.4. Documentation made easy for communicating between workers

4. Summary

5. Problem Statement

5.1. Can we change the model of healthcare by decreasing the free-for-service model and increasing the value-based model?

5.1.1. Fee-For-Service Model "Doctors and other health care providers are paid for each service performed"

5.1.2. Value-Based healthcare "Value-based care is a philosophy of healthcare realized when clinicians intentionally consider the quality of care provided, and the overall outcomes that care, in relation to cost-efficiency"

6. Overview

6.1. Outcomes

6.1.1. Patients will get the time and care needed without being Better quality of care More healthcare availability

6.2. Stakeholders

6.2.1. Healthcare providers More time spend with patients

6.2.2. Hospitals Better quality reputations Increase in staffing positions

6.2.3. Clinics

6.2.4. Patients Receive better quality care for cost

6.2.5. Insurance Companies Cost of healthcare might increase or decrease

7. Systems

7.1. Better quality of care

7.2. More time spent with patients

7.3. Focused healthcare providers

7.4. Utilization of non-clinical personal

7.4.1. Patient navigators Responsible to guide patients through the system

7.4.2. Advocates "Clinical, legal, financial or administrative experience, or by someone who has personal experience facing healthcare-related challenges" Encourages patient autonomy

7.4.3. Coaches Patient behavior change Helps with chronic disease management and prevention Encourage patients to adopt healthy lifestyles to improve wellness

7.4.4. Community Health Workers, etc. "Address social determinants of health that can prevent patients from seeing success with clinical and wellness interventions"

8. Possible Obstacles

8.1. Shortage in healthcare workers

8.2. Poverty

8.2.1. No insurance/Means of paying for quality care How can we treat those who don't have insurance?

8.3. Non-Clinical Personal

8.3.1. Confusion with job titles and roles Hierarchy of degrees and precedence of care

9. Innovative Process

9.1. Require minimum amount of time spent with patients

9.2. Hire healthcare workers based on quality and intention

9.3. Consistent renewal of licensing to ensure quality care

9.4. Require more money to pay for extra jobs such as those who are nonclinical positions

10. References