Memory Processes

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Memory Processes by Mind Map: Memory Processes

1. Processes of Forgeting and Memory Distortion

1.1. Interference Theory

1.1.1. Retroactive Interference

1.1.2. Proactive Interference

1.2. Decay Theory

2. The Constructive Nature of Memory

2.1. Autobiographical Memory

2.2. Memory Disortions

2.2.1. Transience

2.2.2. Absent -mindedness

2.2.3. Blocking

2.2.4. Misattribution

2.2.5. Suggetibility

2.2.6. Bias

2.2.7. Persistence

2.3. The Effect of Context Memory

3. Retrieval

3.1. Retrieval from Short-Term Memory

3.1.1. Parallel or Serial Processing

3.1.2. Exhaustive or Self-Terminating Processing

3.1.3. The Winner - a Serial Exhaustive Model

3.2. Retrieval from Long Term Memory

3.2.1. Availability

3.2.2. Accessibility

4. Encoding & Transfer of information

4.1. Forms of encoding

4.1.1. Short term storage

4.1.2. Long term storage

4.2. Transfer of Information From Short-Term Memory to Long Term Memory

4.2.1. Rehearsal Elaborative & Maintance The Spacing Effect Sleep & Memory Consolidation Neuroscience & Memory Consolidation

4.2.2. Organization of information