Renzulli Learning with a Smartboard

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Renzulli Learning with a Smartboard by Mind Map: Renzulli Learning with a Smartboard

1. RL Teacher Testimonials

1.1. Nicole

1.2. Leigh

2. RL Teacher Demo

2.1. Interactive Demo: Finding Resources

2.1.1. Choose a topic from a K teacher

2.1.2. Find sources through RL

2.1.3. Do an interactive activity

2.2. Demo: Linking to Enrichment Activities on eChalk Class Pages

2.2.1. Demo adding "Resource" link to a class page

3. RL Hands On Activity

3.1. Log in and fill out your RL "Profile"

3.2. Teachers do a quick search for resources related to a lesson

4. Smartboard Goals

4.1. Show basic functions

4.1.1. turning on and connecting laptops

4.1.2. showcasing interactive desktop (not Notebook software yet)

4.1.3. use of pens/eraser & screen capture

4.2. Hands-on Practice

4.3. Schedule Follow up with Mohammed

5. Renzulli Goals

5.1. Demo the basics

5.2. Let teachers explore the search function (Hands On)

5.3. Schedule grade team planning meetings

5.4. Schedule login follow-up with Mohammed

6. SmartBoard Demo (throughout)

6.1. "Read Aloud" Sites are on when we start

6.1.1. Starfall Storytelling



6.1.4. Btwn the Lions

6.2. (Throughout) While LF & NC are talking Renzulli, teachers are operating the Smartboard

6.3. Teachers are encouraged to ask questions throughout

6.4. Twitter VoteReport (time permitting)

6.4.1. Real Time Interactivity