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1. It refers to the internal or external quality of the consumer towards a product or service

2. When we talk about theories of consumer behavior, we can distinguish several models

2.1. We can talk about three approaches.

2.1.1. The first is the economic approach The individual in the purchasing process makes an absolutely rational decision analyzing the consequences of their behavior and obtains satisfaction of the product itself but not of its attributes.

2.1.2. The second is the psychosociological approach The behavior of the consumer is determined not only by economic variables, but also by psychological variables and internal characteristics of the individual (personality, tastes, needs, desire) and by external variables, the environment.

2.1.3. The third is the motivational approach where we highlight two currents or theories: The theory of the hierarchy of needs Maslow and the theory of psychoanalysis Freud. None of the authors tried to explain the buying behavior, however the motivational approach is fundamental because it focuses on studying the motive and the ultimate cause of human behavior.

2.2. The most important motivations in behavior remain hidden or ignored for the individual because they are generated in the subconscious.

3. According to your level of explanation: We distinguish two types:

3.1. Global purchasing models: They try to explain all phases of the purchasing process and all the variables that influence it.

3.2. Partial purchase models: These models only explain some of the phases of purchasing behavior. An example of a partial model could be how we choose a brand.

4. Theory of behavior

4.1. Part of the observation of the external behavior of the person and tries to relate the current behavior to the behavior observed in the past through the learning process.

4.2. Theory of social influence

4.2.1. Considers that the influence of the social environment exerts the greatest influence on the individual and their consumption behavior. It also emphasizes the influence of reference groups (social groups that influence the individual, family, group of friends.

5. Here is the thoughts and feelings of consumers, because they believe that when they have the same products they will live the same way they do

6. Consumer behavior encompasses the thoughts and feelings experienced by people, as well as the actions they take, in consumer processes.


7.1. Consumer research processConsumer research processConsumer research process

7.1.1. In the film, the technique of applied research is a qualitative research, since the behavior of the consumer is studied from a reality, that is, the family unit is in charge of analyzing how buyers react before the stimuli and image they project on the products that offer.

7.2. Consumer segmentation.

7.2.1. The segmentation of the market in which the family unit is focused is defined by two variables: the first is the income, since the marketing company is directed to a market with high purchasing power, and what they try to sell is a lifestyle, full of luxuries and comforts The second factor is age, since each member of the family offers different products according to the ages of the people around them, for example the daughter sells beauty products, clothes, etc., while the mother focuses on selling household items with their "friends" who, like her, are responsible for the home.

8. In the current society in which we reside, we are immersed in the field of brands, all people are looking for products that in addition to satisfying the main need, can get more of this.