1. Aztec Empire
1.1. Goverment
1.1.1. The government is similar to a monarchy where the king is the primary ruler
1.1.2. The leader was known as the Huey Tlatcani
1.1.3. In the cities, each calpulli would have a leader, and those leaders would form another council.
1.1.4. These leaders would not only control the city proper but the surrounding area.
1.2. Religion
1.2.1. The Aztec religion is the Mesoamerican religion of the Aztecs.
1.2.2. It took the gods five tries to create the world
1.2.3. The gods realized that they all must sacrifice themselves so that humans could live.
1.2.4. The ancient Aztec religion was highly focused on keeping nature in balance.
1.3. Geography
1.3.1. The Aztecs were mainly located in Tenochtitlan, their capital
1.3.2. the city plan was based on a symmetrical layout that was divided into four city sections which were called campans which were also divided into 20 districts called calpullis, meaning "big house".
1.3.3. The wather was mostly mild. They would dress for warm weather.
1.3.4. Since they lived on an island in the middle of a lake, they used a special technique which was the floating garden.
1.4. Social Structure
1.4.1. Under strict rules you were identified as a noble, commoner, serf, or slave.
1.4.2. Failure to follow rules (like no drinking alcohol) for preists, could lead to death penalty.
1.4.3. Women did not have big roles. They were usually midwives or priestesses.
1.4.4. Children that were in school had cirriculum based on their gender and social status.
1.5. Economy
1.5.1. Trading was an important thing to them along with agriculture and farming.
1.5.2. Aside from foods, aztecs made many goods like jewlery.
1.5.3. The god they worshipped related to farming.
1.5.4. The Marketplace or as the Aztecs called it the Tianquiztli was located near the main temple at the centre of the community in all major cities.
1.6. Science and Technology
1.6.1. Since they didnt have iron or bronze to create weapons, they had to come up with new ways to make them, many of their weapons were made up of sidian and Chert
1.6.2. Since they did not use animals to transport goods and themsleves, they created the canoe.
1.6.3. They were very smart in math and their number system was more advanced then most at the time.
1.6.4. They were also advanced in medications. They had many froms as in creams, drinks, and salves.
1.7. Arts and Education
2. Mali Empire
2.1. Economy
2.1.1. The Mali empire was successful and developed quickly because of trade with gold and copper
2.1.2. They traded with neighboring counties and other parts of Europe
2.1.3. They had a lot of gold because there was three immensely large gold mines within the border
2.1.4. The empire taxed every once of gold and copper that entered the borders of the Mali empire
2.2. Geography
2.2.1. Nation in West Africa
2.2.2. Southwest of Algeria, extending south-west from the southern Sahara Desert
2.2.3. Size is 1,240,192 square kilometers
2.3. Religion
2.3.1. Mali is mostly an Islamic area being dominated by Muslim population. Nonetheless the country is open to other religions
2.3.2. Symbol is a crescent moon with a star inside
2.3.3. Believe Allah as the one and only God.
2.4. Social Structure
2.4.1. King Sundiata Keita united many people
2.4.2. Built a strong military to protect the trade routes.
2.5. Arts and Education
2.5.1. Created figures made of baked clay, known as terracottas Image result for mali empire art
2.5.2. Architecture, examples of artwork from the Mali Empire are scarce
2.5.3. Dated from the 13th centry
2.6. Government
2.6.1. Led by the emperor who was called the Mansa.
2.7. Science and Technology
3. Ottoman Empire
3.1. Government
3.1.1. Wealth and rank were inherited and earned
3.1.2. Sultan was the supreme ruler
3.1.3. Effective control over their inhabitants
3.1.4. Well organized centralized government
3.2. Religion
3.2.1. Islam temple
3.2.2. Mostly Islam
3.2.3. Some people were forced to convert to Islam and work as slaves
3.2.4. Other religions were categorized by millet systems that ranked their power
3.2.5. Military consisted of mostly converted Christians
3.3. Geography
3.3.1. Ottoman Empire at its' peak
3.3.2. Middle East, part of North Africa, and Southeast Europe
3.3.3. Founded in 1299
3.3.4. Expanded into Europe at the end of the 14th century
3.3.5. The empire began as a small turkish state and then kept taking control over other states
3.4. Social Structure
3.4.1. Hierarchy with four main classes
3.4.2. Men of the pen, men of the sword, men of the negotiation, and men of the husbandry
3.4.3. Osman was elected leader of the Ottomans from 1299-1326
3.4.4. Scholars and the well educated were the highest class
3.5. Technology
3.5.1. Contributed to the development of hospitals and healthcare
3.5.2. Made advancements in mining and military
3.5.3. Ottoman Volley Gun
3.5.4. Ottoman Military used machine guns, small arms, and field artillery
3.5.5. Military had an aviation unit called The Aviation Squadron of the Ottoman Empire
3.6. Economy
3.6.1. majority of the population earned their money from small family businesses
3.6.2. Ottomans traded a variety of goods such as, olive oil, grains, silk, spices, and sugar
3.6.3. created new trade routes
3.6.4. didn't have farmland but had rivers where they grew crops
3.7. Arts
3.7.1. Ottoman architecture was an iranian-influenced style, which appeared on mosques and other large public buildings
3.7.2. Ottoman architecture mosque
3.7.3. Iznik art was tiles and pottery of the Ottoman Empire
3.7.4. Turks introduced the Ottomans to carpet weaving
4. England Empire
4.1. Government and Military
4.1.1. From 1558 to 1603 Elizabeth I was the ruler of England.
4.1.2. British began to establish colonies in the 16th century.
4.1.3. British army was founded in 1660.
4.1.4. In 1514 the war with France and Scotland began until it ended in 1517.
4.2. Religion
4.2.1. The main religion in the 1700's was Catholicism and Puritanism.
4.2.2. Main symbol is a cross
4.2.3. Anglican Church is the main church in England for worship
4.2.4. Believed in 1 god, Jesus Christ
4.3. Geography and Agriculture
4.3.1. Main crops are wheat, barley, oats, and potatoes. Livestock includes, cattle and sheep.
4.3.2. In the 1700's farmers began to grow white and red clovers.
4.3.3. Wheat yields increased in the 1700's
4.3.4. https://cdn.britannica.com/s:700x450/61/129461-004-A8F1D5A9.jpg
4.3.5. The agricultural revolution occurred between the 1500's until 1850.
4.4. Social Structure and Family Life
4.4.1. At the top of the structure was the Head of Monarchy
4.4.2. The rich people ate meat, beef, pork, and white bread
4.4.3. The poor ate dark bread and sometimes a little meat at Christmas time
4.4.4. The rich enjoyed desserts such as, pastries and cakes
4.5. Economy and Trade
4.5.1. Slavery was another one of the main sources of the economy.
4.5.2. Slaves worked on sugar plantations, tobacco, and rice fields.
4.5.3. In 1688 most of the economy was based on agricultural work and production
4.5.4. In England and Whales the population was up to 4.9 million in the 1600's.
4.5.5. Exports increased and they traded with the colonies including, Northern America and India.
4.6. Science and Technology
4.6.1. In 1568 the first bottled beer was invented
4.6.2. Introduction to new machinery increasing food production and supply of money.
4.6.3. In 1589 and Englishman named William Lee invented the knitting machine.
4.6.4. http://www.sussexvt.k12.de.us/science/The%20History%20of%20the%20World%201500-1899/William%20Lee_files/image004.jpg
4.6.5. In 1500 the first type of flush toilets were produced.
4.7. Arts and Education
4.7.1. Art was used to explain and show power
4.7.2. Art is mostly of political masters https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=2ahUKEwjd1vDmt-vdAhXF7oMKHRvdCCwQjRx6BAgBEAU&url=https%3A%2F%2Fsites.google.com%2Fa%2Fccusd93apps.com%2Fart-of-the-renaissance%2Fenglish-renaissance-art&psig=AOvVaw0CkjVd5WDV_3ZsTW91DP8f&ust=1538696090806853
4.7.3. Boys were taught how to read and write
4.7.4. Girls were taught how to cook, clean, and do housework