Virtual Reality in the Classroom- artificially stimulating our senses, our bodies become tricked...

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Virtual Reality in the Classroom- artificially stimulating our senses, our bodies become tricked into accepting another version of reality by Mind Map: Virtual Reality in the Classroom-  artificially stimulating our senses, our bodies become tricked  into accepting another version of reality

1. Instructional Design

1.1. Assessment - assessments can be completed through VR / AR that meet both assessments models - allows for authentic assessment (Watson et al, 2008).

1.1.1. Summative

1.1.2. Formative

1.2. Curriculum Alignment - linked back to Institutional Impacts

1.2.1. Directed - learning modalities can all benefit from this innovation Blended Facilitated both online and F2F which allows for flexibility and reduced impediments (Krohn, 2017). Face to Face Onsite use of Virtual Reality Lab Online - (Gulati, 2008). Reduction of carbon-foot print by not having students physically on campus - driving car to campus and home can be calculated - averaged for student body) Reduction of obstacles - space, buildings, rooms, desks. books and qualified teachers Meet educational needs of masses Enhanced accessibility, which meets Advanced education Mandate

1.2.2. Self-directed - students chooses educational path, courses and credential - VR / AR enhances this possibility

1.3. Simultaneous Activities - allows for various data points of assessment of users

1.3.1. Student Head Tracking - allows for assessment as to where learner is "looking"

1.3.2. Dynamic Pointing - ability for instructor to interact without interrupting the learning process

1.3.3. Activity lock - enables cessation of scenario when learner at risk or potential risk

1.3.4. Real time viewing - allows for peer participation in the learning event from multiple perspectives

1.4. Specialized VR Designer - specialized subject matter expert in designing appropriate experiences for learners and instructors

1.4.1. Frameworks

1.4.2. Experience Principles - learner experience impacts all facets of the educational experience as well as recruitment and retention of students, which makes this experience crucial for institutional sustainability Psychological Comfort Environmental Comfort Ergonomics Input Methods Sound

1.5. Course Delivery Models - Initiative is adaptable to all delivery modes ( see Crisis Course section)

1.5.1. Online

1.5.2. Face to Face

1.5.3. Blended

2. Classroom Design

2.1. Educational Virtual Reality Lab - Students today are digital natives, comfortable using technology to display, share and present information - desire to engage students and to develop the knowledge and skills needed in a digital age

2.1.1. Safe Environment

2.1.2. Portability

2.1.3. Charging

2.1.4. Storage and Security

3. Resources

3.1. VR Delivery System - dependent on user needs and student numbers

3.2. VR Head Sets - availability based on type ranging from $10 - $300

3.3. Space - redesigning of learning spaces for greater mobility, flexibility, and project based interactions

4. Research

4.1. Scholarly Teaching & Learning- The systematic study of teaching and learning with a focus on improving student learning. It is an evidence-based process that enables the use of various research methodologies with outcomes that can be applied to learning environments.

4.1.1. SOTL links directly yo the purpose of the project, which is to enhance student learning

4.2. National Science and Energy Research Council of Canada - grant funding vehicle for innovation projects in science which this project falls into.

4.3. Google Engagement - Gen C cares more about expressing themselves than any generation before. They’re using social networks and content platforms to define their sense of self. They are what they discover, read, watch, share, “like”, +1, comment on and retweet. More than half of Gen C use the internet as their main source of entertainment, and 66% spend the same or more time watching online video as watching television. This is the way current learners are and VR/AR supports this pedagogy... further research here will support this innovation.

4.4. Research projects - supports the research aspects of an institution and teaching and learning

4.4.1. Impact on Students - VR / AR are a new technology and there is a gap in research on how students are impacted by the technology - two current RPs are underway at this time

4.4.2. Affect on Learning - little research exists on how VR / AR impact learning on a variety of levels

4.4.3. Health Impacts - research opportunities to assess health impacts such as vision, hearing, eyesight, vertigo, and other brain functions

4.4.4. Implications for Industry - research on industry could take advantage of the educational aspects of the innovation and partner with the institution in developing "professional education"

4.4.5. Impacts on Teaching - Research on how VR / AR may alter the student / teacher experience and relationship as well as other avenues of teaching pedagogy

4.5. Learning Analytics - VR / AR will create an abundance of data that can be utilized to assess the effectiveness of technology as a learning tool. (Elias, 2011).

4.5.1. Knowledge Continuum - predictive analytics and the development of actionable knowledge corresponded with the transformation of knowledge to wisdom (Baker, 2007). Wisdom Knowledge Information Data

5. Course - Crisis Intervention - linked to instructional design - starting point for introduction for classroom use and for research project

5.1. Course Outcomes - Skills and techniques for safe and effective intervention and mediation using exercises, simulation and reflections are emphasized.

5.2. Delivery Models

5.2.1. Face to Face

5.2.2. Online - Learners reflected on video scenarios recorded in F2F classes

5.3. Current Technology - use of a tree-event simulator system and digital / audio recording of live role plays

5.3.1. Live Actors - Digital & Audio Recording - of role plays for self-reflection and instructor assessment - MP4 loaded in Vimo

5.3.2. Simulator Milo Range - tree-event simulator developed for use of force response for police services - manipulated for communication skills practice by learners

5.4. Gaps - students placed into live role plays without ability to practice interactions with directed feedback - VR provides this missing link to appropriate / fair role play assessment

6. Project Management

6.1. Overview

6.1.1. Motivation - integration of VR / AT technology to enhance student learning and institutional experiences, teaching, and create innovation opportunities for all stakeholders

6.1.2. Goals

6.1.3. Deliverables

6.2. Scope

6.2.1. Included

6.2.2. Excluded

6.3. Resources

6.3.1. Project Manager

6.3.2. Team

6.3.3. Budget Grant & Research Funding - See Research left side of Map

6.3.4. Assets

6.4. Constraints

6.4.1. Budget

6.4.2. Deadlines

6.4.3. Requirements

6.5. Schedule

6.5.1. Project Start

6.5.2. Phase 1

6.5.3. Phase 2

6.5.4. Phase 3

6.5.5. Project Milestones

7. Stakeholders

7.1. Faculty

7.2. Students

7.2.1. Record of Student Learning - data collection allows for students, parents and teachers to see what students have learned - initiative allows for robust data collection.

7.3. Instructional Design Team

7.3.1. Significant impact on an INDS Team - designers with three relevant positions on learning (behavioral, cognitive, and constructivist) which provide structured foundations for planning and conducting instructional design activities. - INDS may have to alter approaches to meet tehcnological capabilities in learning ( Ertmer & Newby, 1993).

7.4. Marketing

7.4.1. Significant opportunities for Marketing services to reach potential learners and other industry partners

7.5. Student Services - all entities here will be impacted in a positive manner through the initiative, extending their reach to potential, current and past learners. ( Steidman, 2005).

7.5.1. Registrar

7.5.2. Student Retention Committee

7.5.3. Alumni

7.5.4. Student Association

7.6. Audio / Visual Services

7.6.1. enhanced digital literacy skills required

7.7. IT Services and Support

7.7.1. enhanced digital literacy skills required

7.7.2. enhanced systems for computing power for VR /AR

7.8. Vendors - formation of long term stable relationship with institution that includes product development opportunities and employee pool development

7.9. Administrative Services

7.9.1. Finance - increased financial management with grants, scholarship awards, industry contributions and systems donations that may occur

7.9.2. Occupational Health and Safety - potential issues with safety within virtual reality room spaces, user and instructor reaction.

7.10. Staff

7.10.1. Possible increase / decrease in on campus faculty - increase in support staff for AR / / VR implementation and maintenance

8. Academic Approval Processes

8.1. Associate Dean / Dean - first level of course approval. Manage budgets within their scope of authority for specific programs

8.2. Deans Council- interdisciplinary committee that assesses large strategic academic delivery across the inquisition - assess course and or program changes for cross-disciplinary and financial impacts

8.3. Vice President Provost Academic- provides vision for the academic direction of the institution, controls budgets, and provides final approval for all new and updated courses and programs

8.4. Academic Council- responsible for the final approval of all new, updated, altered, or deleted courses and programs to the Board of Governors.

9. Institutional Impacts - cost benefit analysis thinking

9.1. Advanced Education Mandate

9.1.1. Post- Secondary requirements Accessibility VR and AR can be provided off campus and on campus due to the flexibility of the technology Affordability VR offers a variety of educational avenues from the least to most expensive dependent on finance issues (see below under challenges) Quality Colleges, Polytechnics, and Universities are innovation engines Accountability Fiscal responsibility, following strong internal governance policies for technology implementation, etc Coordination minimize duplication - this is the only course of its kind in Alberta

9.1.2. Industry Links & Needs Communication skills highest sought after skill in public safety ( 2017 Industry Survey - Lethbridge College) - Communication (Bates 2015) - reading, speaking writing, social media communications all required by industry.

9.1.3. Impacts on Student Employment Enhanced student skill set Innovative development and diversification of economy

9.2. Strategic Plan Links

9.2.1. Mission, Vision, Values Mission inspires and facilitates learning and innovation... which the VR / AR initiative does Vision leading and transforming education... which it does by provided new ways of learning Values People, Excellence, and Success - using instructional technology creatively - exactly what the initiative is about

9.2.2. Branding Marketing (Putz, 2017 Higher Education Marketing). A More Personal Brand Story - students can be at events, participate in classes and attain a feel for the environment Improved Student Testimonials - provide a more honest and accurate representation of the value of a degree Virtual Tour - the student will be the one dictating the experience Virtual Classrooms - line between an on-campus and online student could become remarkably fuzzy - market our college’s campus and faculty to online students

9.2.3. Comprehensive Institutional Plan Student Retention- College, workforce, and economic effects. (Seidman, 2005). Alumni Support- previous students experiences at institution coupled with industry experience provided ideas for new ways of learning and how programs / courses could be updated or recreated. Industry Targeting - VR / AR fastest growing tech industry, current industry training needs met through VR in safe environments - scenario replication for safe skill adoption

9.3. Business Plan Links

9.3.1. Student Recruitment - positive reputation due to innovation and future career paths - technological inspired for current generation of students (Seidman, 2005)

9.3.2. Enhanced Human Resources - Staff VR Specific Job descriptions - will require specific skills that are new to the college, but also could be developed through creation of new programs to create education opportunities for students and skilled employees for future employers Succession planning - remedied through the creation of educated learners who stay within the institution upon graduation Job Postings - required to be external in the beginning prior to course developed specific to VR / AR credentialing

9.3.3. Financial Implications Sustainability - Enhanced institutional sustainability through provision of innovative learning and skill acquirement - online education supported in VR / AR applications - carbon footprint of college reduced, which reduces costs Ever greening - technology requires strong ever greening plan to keep current with industry and technological improvements Grant Funding - see "Research" on left side of Map

9.4. Human Resources

10. Challenges Impeding Technology (NMC Horizion Report 2017)

10.1. Solvable - Issues that we understand and know how to solve

10.1.1. Digital Literacy as an example where higher education has the ability to provide resources to enhance a deeper understanding of the digital environment beyond passive usage

10.1.2. Learning Integration as an example allowing learners to develop their learning path as self directed or curiosity based learning

10.2. Difficult - issues we understand but solutions can be elusive

10.2.1. Finance - PSE faces significant funding challenges and need to find alternative funding paths, which may exist through stakeholder, industry, and philanthropic investment as well as

10.2.2. Digital Equity - issues unequal access to technology and is considered as a social justice issue (see Advanced Education Mandate on Accessibility for connection)

10.3. Wicked - complex to define much even address

10.3.1. Technological Obsolesce -aside for known technologies VR ?AR are the fastest growing technology today expanding from $4.1 billion in 2016 to $79.4 billion in 2021( US $s)Keeping paces with innovation in this sector will be an impossibility so needs to be managed through filling of knowledge gaps across the institution. (Artillary, 2017). Stability of technology taken for granted - network outages and reliance on external systems provides high risk (Rodriguez, 2011).

10.4. Change Management - This has been one of the most difficult issues faced by the institution and has impeded a number of initiatives in the past (Higher Ed. Sept, 2016)

10.4.1. Planning- change must be defined and planned

10.4.2. Leadership - select the right people and teams to guide changes

10.4.3. Communication- information-sharing, listening, and collaboration with those involved with, knowledgeable about, and/or affected by the planned change.

10.4.4. Culture Focus- taking into account the college's language, history, norms, rules, and traditions that may influence the dynamics of change.

10.4.5. Assessment - developing and implementing a systematic approach to monitoring progress and outcomes as the change process progresses.

10.4.6. Education - initiative will require significant education of all staff, industry partners, leadership, faculty and students in order to develop acceptance of a new learning modality

11. Emerging Technologies - tools, concepts, innovations, and advancements utilized in a diverse educational setting (Veletsianos, 2010).