Chapter 3: Goal setting, Motivation and Character

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Chapter 3: Goal setting, Motivation and Character by Mind Map: Chapter 3: Goal setting, Motivation and Character

1. Strategies for Maintaining Motivation and Progress toward Your Goals

1.1. Visualize reaching your long-range goal.

1.2. Put your goals in writing.

1.3. Map out your goals.

1.4. Keep a record of your progress.

1.5. Develop a skeletal resume of your career goals.

1.6. Reward yourself for making steady progress toward your long range goal.

2. Steps in the Goal-Setting Process

2.1. 1. Awareness of yourself

2.1.1. Your personal interests, abilities, and talents, and values.

2.2. 2. Awareness of your options

2.2.1. The range of choices available to you.

2.3. 3. Awareness of the options that best fit you

2.3.1. The goals that are most compatible with your personal abilities, interests, values, and needs.

2.4. 4. Awareness of the process.

2.4.1. The steps you need to take to reach your chosen goal.