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Zakat by Mind Map: Zakat

1. Conditions

1.1. 1- You have to be a Muslim

1.2. 2- Nisab: Minimum amount of property that should be given

1.3. 3- The amount of property that you are giving should be earned by your own

2. the zakat for giving cash gold and silver

2.1. 1- You have to give away 2.5% of your earnings.

2.2. 2- Nisab: Minimum amount of property that should be given is 85 grams of gold or 595 grams of silver

3. zakat for giving animals

3.1. 1-You give away certain amount of animals which are goats/sheep, camels, and cows

3.2. 2- You need to give away 5 camels, 40 goat/sheep, and 30 cows