Huey Li's adolescence

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Huey Li's adolescence by Mind Map: Huey Li's adolescence

1. Spiritual

1.1. Pray when have doubts and struggles

1.2. Tries to meditate when stress comes

2. Mental

2.1. More challenges ahead

2.2. Being more independent

2.3. Having doubts for the future

2.4. Does more reflection on life when problems or sadness comes

3. Social

3.1. Meet more new people

3.2. Being able to speak up more

3.3. Always able to hang out with friends and be with them in times of troubles

4. Physical

4.1. Grown taller

4.2. Gained weight

4.3. Deepening of voice

5. Emotional

5.1. Always been a happy person from the outside view

5.2. Afraid of expressing sadness in front people

5.3. Have gotten more emotional

5.4. Let go of grudges easily