Your Student's MATH Path

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Your Student's MATH Path by Mind Map: Your Student's MATH Path

1. The student first chooses their Major: ANY Associates of Arts, OR Criminal Justice, Education, Recreation

1.1. The student next takes MLCS 0099, the Quantway course, INSTEAD of MATH 0097 and/or MATH 0099. Once the course is passed...

1.1.1. The student next takes MATH 1001 INSTEAD of College Algebra (MATH 1111). Once the student passes MATH 1001 ALL Math requirements are satisfied, UNLESS... ...Unless the student changes to the other MAJOR category below. Then the student would have to follow that path as if they were starting all over.

2. The student first chooses their Major: Any Associate of Science, including Business, EXCEPT for Criminal Justice, Education, Recreation

2.1. The student must take the traditional Learning Support courses indicated by their Compass score: MATH 0097 and/or MATH 0099

2.1.1. After passing the required LS courses, the student must pass the Compass Exit Exam and then... The student must take and pass College Algebra, MATH 1111