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Modal verbs by Mind Map: Modal verbs

1. The modals and semi-modals in English are

1.1. Can/could/be able to

1.2. May/might

1.3. Shall/should

1.4. Must/have to

1.5. Will/would


2.1. They do not have infinitive, therefore they have no future and conditional.

2.2. They do not carry s / is in the 3rd person singular of the present simple.

2.3. They do not have the form -ing (gerund), therefore they do not have the continuous form or verbal noun.

2.4. They have no past participle, therefore they can not have present perfect and past perfect.

3. functions of modal verbs

3.1. CAN indicates ability or possibility. In these cases it can be converted as "power" in Spanish.

3.2. COULD indicates possibility or ability in the past.

3.3. "may" is used to indicate possibilities in the future.,It can also be used to give permissions or instructions.

3.4. "Might" is used to indicate possibilities in the present or the future.

3.5. "shall" is used for offers and suggestions or to ask about options or preferences.

3.6. "Should" indicates an obligation or recommendation

3.7. "Must" indicates an obligation, prohibition or necessity.

3.8. "will" is used to form the future tense. Also the use of "will" means will or determination.

3.9. "Would" is used to declare a preference and to ask for something politely.

4. Modal verbs are auxiliary verbs that do not function as a main verb. Modal verbs express modality, ability, possibility, need or other condition.


5.1. We can work late tonight if you need us.

5.1.1. We could go to the beach tomorrow, it’s going to be sunny She hasn’t been able to come

5.2. It may snow this weekend for the first time this year.

5.2.1. My sister might come home for Christmas.

5.3. I shall be happy to finally meet you in person

5.3.1. I should not leave early without a good reason

5.4. You must watch the movie, it is awesome.

5.4.1. You have to brush your teeth two times a day.

5.5. The company will be dissolved sooner or later

5.5.1. I would like to go to Japan, if I had the money