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STEM by Mind Map: STEM

1. Filipino

1.1. Wikang Filipino

1.2. Wika

1.3. Spoken word poetry

2. Pre-Calculus

2.1. Mathematical Abilities

2.2. Conic sections

2.3. Series and Sequences

3. Oral Communication

3.1. Communication

3.2. Making a Speech

3.3. Rules in Speech

4. Earth Science

4.1. Exogenic processes

4.2. Structure of the Earth

4.3. Geology

5. Social Science

5.1. Philosophies

5.2. History

5.3. Philosophers

6. General Mathematics

6.1. Exact and Approximate time

6.2. Ordinary interest

6.3. Functions

7. Empowerment Technologies

7.1. Using photoshop

7.2. Typing skills

7.3. Creating websites and blogs

8. Bible

8.1. Bible study

8.2. Becoming close to God

8.3. Genesis chapter