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Additives Material by Mind Map: Additives Material

1. Pigments

1.1. increase susceptibility to chemical reaction

1.2. Alter the polymers colour

2. Carbonate limestone

2.1. susceptibility to corrosion from inorganic acid

3. UV stabilizer & antioxidants

4. Phenolic @ amino antioxidants

4.1. reduce effects of mechanical & chemical properties

5. Phenol

5.1. prevent oxidation degradation of polymers such as rubber

6. Cellulose nitrate

6.1. reduced stiffnes

6.2. increase formability

7. Dioctyl phthalate in PVC

7.1. lower melt viscosity

7.2. increase light stabilty

8. Formability

9. Acrylic polymers

9.1. Provide greater ease of processing

10. Major rule

10.1. compensate poor properties of polymers

10.2. make plastic material suitable for their application

11. Plasticizing agents