To have a baby is a big problem, if you are a teenager.

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To have a baby is a big problem, if you are a teenager. by Mind Map: To have a baby is a big problem, if you are a teenager.

1. If the person was rape.

1.1. In some cases if the person was rape, if she wants she can abort.

1.1.1. In some countries is legally to abort if the person was rape.

1.2. The girl can get a SDT

2. New node

3. New node

4. You are not economy ready.

4.1. It is better if you end school, you have a career and you can have an economic support to maintain the baby.

4.1.1. If you finish school, you can have money,a baby and a very happy live without suffering, and make the baby suffer.

5. Your body is ready to have a baby, but your mind is not.

5.1. You need to have the emotional maturity, to take care of the baby and take care of you.

5.1.1. If you are a responsible person, that doesn't mean that you are ready to have a baby.

6. You are in risk and the baby too.

6.1. Both the baby and you, can die.

6.1.1. A cousin of main was pregnant, she was 18 years all and her baby it was almost die because she was too young.

6.2. Sometimes your body is not ready to all the changes in your vaginal system, and the baby can't go out and can die.

6.3. If a teenager has a baby, there is a big percent that the baby has problems, like down syndrome.