Reading Philosophy helps you to study

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Reading Philosophy helps you to study by Mind Map: Reading Philosophy helps you to study

1. We can learn about question like ,who we are?

1.1. In time to know about philosophy questions we know that there are more questions than answers

1.1.1. In this case find the correct question for get the right answer will be the most benefit factor.

1.2. It can helps you to study from another subjects with good experience and information.

1.2.1. questions that you will learn since the moment you start study, probably you will find in the future.

2. Philosophy talk about any kind of situations in life.

2.1. Philosophy have tha benefits that makes you know any kind of problems.

2.1.1. You can aplicate it in your study time or also in all time of your life. Inteligente can be aplicate wherever you need it. there you can learn thing that you have never thing before.

2.1.2. Common problems mean situations that has lots of answers. When you learn philosophy you learn a logical way to study. you will find easy answers for hard questions.

3. Philosophy helps you get peace and geat ideas for any other subject

3.1. learning subjects you have the security that it will be all right.

3.1.1. When we learn the subject we know that we will get great ideas from philosophy.

3.1.2. You wont know all the answers also.

3.2. The study time of the subjects are made by questions and anwers.

3.2.1. literature is a nicest subject becuase it have more quetions than answers.

4. Philosophy are used for Inteligent and cult people.

4.1. It can distingues between inteligent people from wild people

4.1.1. Wild people never learn about thing kind of subjects People will know that you are inteligent in all those subjects. It also realy makes you more inteligent because it develop your mind.

4.2. "People who lives whithout philosophy is like living with eyes closed"

4.2.1. Descartes said that because people wont know about who they are. If you live without it is like just dont live and just living like an animal.

5. Conclution

6. Controling idea.