Gold Nuggets

Summary Of Staff PD workshop 31 October

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Gold Nuggets by Mind Map: Gold Nuggets

1. Training Resources

1.1. Reach out for Youth

1.2. Abilities wiki

1.3. Allison Wright for online resources

1.4. we need more

1.4.1. ice breakers

1.4.2. team buikding activities

1.4.3. Goal setting

1.4.4. Brainteasers

2. Training Philosophies

2.1. Dont give up!

2.2. Start every session with a smile

2.3. Aim for work life Balance

2.4. Rise to the Challenge

2.5. Bounce it and drop it

2.6. leave it at work

2.7. make the most of weekends and holidays

2.8. red wine

2.9. Don't have assumptions or expectations

2.10. Be Real

2.11. Share Stories.. appropriate disclosure

2.12. Build Relationships

2.13. Humour

2.14. Keep it personal and humanistic

3. Facilities

3.1. 8585 Help Desk

3.2. never eat at the Rockingham canteen

3.3. Make sure you have a college email address

3.4. current equipment, rooms, computers need upgrading

3.5. easier to work from home

3.6. New node

4. Freebies

4.1. haircuts

4.2. massages

4.3. meals

5. Events

5.1. Staff Christmas Party

5.2. Training Forums

5.3. Octoberfest

5.4. Any Professional Development available

6. Community

6.1. Bridging the Gap pay fees for students.. and on time

6.2. Build contacts and netqorks

6.3. link in with community projects and activities

7. Staff

7.1. Security Guards at Peel and Fremantle , and Bob (Maintenance) are great support people

7.2. Invest in staff with outings and get togethers to show appreciation

7.3. Beware the Parking Nazis

8. Student Strategies

8.1. Allow students to open up.. tell their stories

8.2. Remember there is always 3 sides to a story... Theirs, yours and the Truth

8.3. Remain non judgemental

8.4. no one is a loser

8.5. listen

8.6. ask questions

8.7. Know where they are!

8.8. Use food, Fun and colour to engage

8.9. Find relevent themes and projects for engaging delivery

8.10. Provide Patoral care

8.11. use higher achieving students as mentors and role models

8.12. Develop a product..e.g. a booklet, DVD, photostory.. to add to a students sense of achievement

8.13. Incorporate team/pair work

8.14. Visual texts