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Heroin by Mind Map: Heroin

1. Short Term Effects

1.1. After the short rush there are a few side-effects that can happen they can include.

1.2. Dry Mouth

1.3. Warm Flushing of the Skin

1.4. Heavy Feeling in the Arm and Legs

1.5. Nausea and Vomiting

1.6. Severe Itching

1.7. Clouded Mental Functions

1.8. Going "on the nod" (a back and forth state of being conscious and unconscious)

2. Long Term Effects

2.1. When a person continuously use this drug for a long period of time it can have a lasting effect on their body.

2.2. Insomnia

2.3. For the people who inject the drug it can cause a collapse vein

2.4. For the people who sniff the drug it can cause damaged tissue inside of the nose

2.5. Infections to the heart lining and valves

2.6. Abscesses (swollen tissue filled with puss)

2.7. Constipation and stomach cramps

2.8. Liver and kidney disease

2.9. Lung complications

2.10. Mental disorders like depression, and antisocial personality disorder.

3. Works Cited

3.1. NIDA. (2018, June 7). Heroin. Retrieved from Heroin on 2018, October 10

4. What Chemically is Happening

4.1. The brain already has opioid receptors in the brain because it releases chemicals called endorphins that are essentially are involved with pain and pleasure. So when a person takes an opioid drug like heroin then it attaches to these receptors and it takes the place of the endorphins.

5. Definition:

5.1. This is a highly addictive drug made from morphine

5.2. When it is found naturally it is comes from poppy plants.

5.3. Usually sold in a white powder like substance.

6. Effects on the Brain

6.1. Heroin enters the brain very rapidly and binds to the opioid receptors in cells.

6.2. These cells are located all over the brain and are involved in the feelings of pain and pleasure, heart rate, and sleeping.

7. Other potential Effects

7.1. Since heroin is cut with things like sugar , starch, or even powered milk it can clog blood vessels leading to complications like kidney and lung failures.