trainer's evaluation

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trainer's evaluation by Mind Map: trainer's evaluation

1. Behaviour

1.1. Are trainees able to teach their new knowledge, skills, or attitudes to other people?

1.2. Are trainees aware that they've changed their behavior?

1.3. Compliance Percentage Rate

1.4. He/she is able to manage conflicts arising during a training session

2. Results

2.1. Increased students retention.

2.2. Higher quality ratings.

2.3. Increased customer satisfaction.

2.4. Fewer staff complaints.

2.5. Average Time to Completion

3. Reaction

3.1. Did the trainees feel that the training was worth their time?

3.2. Did they think that it was successful?

3.3. What were the biggest strengths of the training, and the biggest weaknesses?

3.4. Did they like the venue and presentation style?

3.5. Did the training session accommodate their personal learning styles ?

3.6. trainee liked or disliked the training. This is accomplished through verbal and written

3.7. He/she is able to motivate the trainees by involving them actively in the training (e.g. listen to other trainees, ask relevant questions, presenting assignments to promote learning)

4. Learning

4.1. knowledge

4.2. skills

4.3. attitudes

4.4. Training activities

4.5. Retrieving data. Wait a few seconds and try to cut or copy again.

4.6. He/she is able to mix groups of trainees and initiate team work

4.7. He/she is able to assign adequate tasks to trainees to support the learning process

4.8. He/she is able to give feedback based on observations in order to support the trainees' learning process

4.9. He/she is able to monitor the trainees learning progress