Self-Worth (Goal: 40 Viable Topics)

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Self-Worth (Goal: 40 Viable Topics) by Mind Map: Self-Worth (Goal: 40 Viable Topics)

1. Self-Compassion

1.1. Self-Compassion is Better than Self-Esteem (100)

1.1.1. Self-Compassion is based on self-acceptance

1.1.2. Self-Esteem Based on judgement Declaring and believing I am pretty, I am strong, I am confident

1.2. How to Cultivate Self-Compassion (65)

1.3. Why is it Important to Have Self Compassion (96)

1.4. How to Use Self-Compassion to Protect Mental Health (100)

1.5. Self-Compassion and Rejection (69)

2. Self-Talk

2.1. How do you change your self-talk? (63)

2.2. How Does Self-Talk Impact Self-Esteem (69)

2.3. What is healthy self-talk (63)

3. Connection

3.1. w/ Family

3.2. w/ God

3.3. w/ Friends

3.4. w/ Peers

4. Boundaries

4.1. Physical Boundaries

4.1.1. What are Healthy Physical Boundaries (70)

4.2. Emotional Boundaries

4.2.1. What are Healthy Emotional Boundaries (68)

4.3. How to Set Healthy Boundaries with Others (69)

4.4. How to Set Healthy Boundaries without Guilt (65)

4.5. Why is it Important to Set Healthy Boundaries (70)

4.6. How Healthy Boundaries Become Unhealthy (67)

4.7. Healthy Boundaries are Not Walls (65)

4.8. How do Boundaries Impact Self-Worth? (72)

4.9. How Do You Know Your Boundaries are Being Violated (71)

4.10. How Do You Maintain Healthy Boundaries (70)

4.10.1. Aggressive vs. Assertive

5. Self-Love

5.1. Self-Love is a Journey Not a Destination (66)

5.2. What Does Self-Love Looks Like (63)

5.3. Can Self-Love be Taught (63)

5.4. # Ways to Show Yourself Self-Love (64)

5.5. How to Stop Losing Yourself in Romantic Relationships (63)

5.6. Self-Love vs. Narcissism (64)

6. Self-Care