1. Research
1.1. Possibly work in Dr. Evans's freshman chemistry research lab next semester?
1.1.1. Email: [email protected]
1.1.2. Office: Remsen 211B
1.2. ACCESS Summer Internship
1.2.1. Dr. Marcus Lambert (director): [email protected]
1.2.2. Weill Cornell Grad Studies of Medical Sciences
2. Work
2.1. Camp job during the summer
2.1.1. Ann-Marie Smith
2.2. Look for weekly job possibly
3. Social Life
3.1. Try to hang out with friends at least every other week
3.2. Attend more Macaulay parties/events
4. Extracurriculars
4.1. Write for The Knight News
4.2. Get more involved with Macaulay clubs
4.2.1. Macaulay Service Initiative
4.2.2. Macaulay Green Initiative
5. Majors/ Minors
5.1. Possible major: Biology
5.1.1. 36 credits Biology 105,106, 285,286 21 other credits of 200+ level courses
5.2. Minor: Chemistry
5.2.1. CHEM 1131, 1133, 1141, 1144, 251, 252
5.2.2. CHEM 211 or 376, and HMNS course
5.3. Possible major: Neuroscience
5.3.1. 55 credits 43 required credits consisting of psych, bio, and chem 12 elective credits from bio & psych
5.4. Minor: Anthropology
5.4.1. ANTH 101,102,103
5.4.2. one course from ANTH 201, 240, 260, 280
5.4.3. any 2 course from ANTH 200+
6. Self-care Activities
6.1. ASMR before going to sleep
6.2. Meditation
6.3. Going out with friends/taking break from work
6.4. The Knight News
7. Volunteering
7.1. Volunteer with Red Cross Queens College Chapter
7.1.1. Blood drives
7.1.2. Hospital visits
7.2. Look into volunteering weekly at a nearby hospital
8. Macaulay Honors Track
8.1. HMNS
9. Academics
9.1. Maintain a 4.0 GPA
9.2. Take classes outside of my intended major (test the waters)
10. Scholarships/Fellowships
10.1. Jeannette K. Watson Fellowship
10.1.1. (found online and possibly discussed in class?)
10.2. "You Deserve It" Scholarship ($1000)
10.2.1. (found online)
10.3. AvaCare Medical Scholarship ($1000)
10.3.1. (found online)
11. Study Abroad
11.1. Not sure if I want to study abroad, but if I do, I would be interested in going to the UK