Air pollution in Santiago de Chile
by mora martinez costa
1. Strategies
1.1. $1 Billion for reduce Green houses gases.
1.2. Changing the firewood heaters with gas heaters.
1.3. The Ministry of Transport in charge of limitations of motor vehicle emissions. The regulations are controlled through taxes, fees, emissions permits
1.4. The Ministry of the Environment enacted new regulations on air pollution, the primary standar on fine inhalable particulate matter PM2.5, in hopes to create better health conditions for Chile by clissifying what concentration of PM2.5 stablishes dangerous living
2. Effects
2.1. On environment
2.1.1. •The lack of precipitation has dried out the ground with unusual winds from the coast to the Andes spreading fires rapidly throughout the country.
2.1.2. •Smog, little rain, no wind water, air, noise pollution
2.2. On people
2.2.1. •Health problems causing ilnesses
2.2.2. 58,17% of dissatisfaction to spend in the city
2.2.3. Cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, high levels of inheastion can cause bronchitis and risk of heart disease areas with increasted levels of particulate matter (NO2 and CO) tend to have higher cardiovascular issues.