1. References
1.1. Rihal, C. (2017). The Importance of Leadership to Organizational Success. Retrieved from The Importance of Leadership Skills to Organizational Success
1.2. Stanleigh, M. (n.d.). From Vision To Reality: The Innovation Process. Retrieved from From Vision To Reality: The Innovation Process | | Business Improvement Architects
1.3. Reisman, M. (2015). The Affordable Care Act, Five Years Later: Policies, Progress, and Politics. Retrieved from The Affordable Care Act, Five Years Later: Policies, Progress, and Politics
1.4. Cincinnati's Children. (2015). Best Evidence Statement – BESt. Retrieved from http://www.cincinnatichildrens.org/service/j/anderson-center/evidence-based-care/bests/
1.5. Gapenski, L. C. (2015). Healthcare finance: An introduction to accounting and financial management. Chicago, IL: Health Administration Press.
1.6. Banova, B. (2018). The impact of technolgy on healthcare. Retrieved from https://www.aimseducation.edu/blog/the-impact-of-technology-on-healthcare/ The Impact of Technology on Healthcare | AIMS EDUCATION
1.7. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. (2015). Types of quality measures. Retrieved from Types of Quality Measures | Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality
2. 4th Pillar: Evidence-Based Practice
2.1. Definition: The art of applying findings from research into patient care or health care
2.1.1. Example: Treating adolescents who have undergone transplantation with a drug deemed likely to aid with treatment based off of study findings (Cincinnati's Children, 2015).
3. 5th Pillar: Finance
3.1. Definition: the driving force that makes creative ideas possible; income that can be generated as a result of implementing the resourceful invention
3.1.1. Example: developing pharmaceutical drugs and the profit gained from selling the beneficial treatment options is a source of finance in health care (Gapenski, 2015).
4. 6th Pillar: Technology
4.1. Definition: use of advancing inventions to further the development of new breakthroughs.
4.1.1. Example: A prime model of technology in health care is the digitization of health records (Banova, 2018). This innovative idea helps to track the history of each patient.
5. 1st Pillar: Innovative Process
5.1. My definition: an order to follow that deviates from the idealistic sequences to assess or determine something new
5.1.1. An Innovative Process is something that can be done sequentially and can either end in application of the innovative thought or declination (Stanleigh, n.d.).
5.2. This concept defines the way that an innovative thought is formed to be an innovative concept-- something fresh and new.
5.2.1. To me the innovative process means there is new potential for innovative inventions and ideas to be used
5.3. An example in health care would be: forming ideas on how to clean patients bedding, gowns, etc. (laundry items) in a more efficient, time saving, an inexpensive way.
6. 2nd Pillar: Leadership
6.1. My definition: methods utilized for an individual or group to be motivated and of full capacity to obtain their goals and achieve their mission
6.2. The concept of leadership is vital for healthcare
6.2.1. A leader within the healthcare setting (e.g. a leading cardiac surgeon) can effect the surgical team members in a motivational way (through the use of leadership skills) that ensures they reach their goals of achieving higher post operation rates of healing.
6.3. Leadership guides an organization. It is so important for an organization or for health care industries to have a solid leadership.
6.3.1. Developing great "leadership skills... [occurs] in a progressive fashion" (Rihal, 2017)
7. 3rd Pillar: Policy
7.1. Definition: standards that are created to reaffirm and direct in accordance to formal rules.
7.1.1. Example: Under the Affordable Health Care Act, a standard or policy included in compliance with the act is being able to have prescription drugs without an expense (Reisman, 2015).
8. 7th Pillar: Outcomes
8.1. Definition: the finished product of a given project or objective which can have a role in other projects.
8.1.1. Example: assessing the efficacy of treatments and over care provided by a health care provider is a method of determining the outcomes of actions taken by health care professionals (U.S. Dep. of Health and Human Services, 2015).