US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

1.1. Prohibition

1.1.1. Government trying to ban manufacturing, transportation, and sale of alcohol

1.1.2. Not completely effective, decreased alcohol consumption, but led to higher crime rates and a large amount of speakeasies

1.1.3. Lesson: when the Government tried to erase alcohol, a popular drug. This led to increase in crime rate, with gangs, and a large amount of speakeasies. The government wasted so much money on Prohibition

1.2. New Deal

1.2.1. New programs that would benefit the American citizens in need NRA, CCC

1.3. WW2

1.3.1. Many people thought the U.S. would be the best place to go, but America was very hesitant to allow everything occurring into their country, so Jewish people were stuck

1.4. Great Society

1.4.1. When the gov't decreases taxes and creates large social programs the gov't debt will increse

1.5. JFK/Cuban missile crisis : its important for governments to have means to communicate so that they can avoid dangerous and risky situations like the Cuban missile crisis and the Naval block

1.6. Vietnam

1.6.1. The responsibility of the American government is to do what is best for America. Considering how Vietnam ended the government failed to do its job. They allowed men to die for a cause that they were even sure about. They let their country become chaotic because they were too afraid to tell the truth. Lastly, they also allowed for Presidents to make extremely stupid decisions regarding insufficient plans and horrible military tactics. Now American government knows that they need to be a 100% positive about entering a war and doing what is best for America as a whole.

2. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

2.1. M.A.I.N

2.1.1. When world leaders focus strictly on M.A.I.N it could cause disruption across the world. Destabilizes world peace.

2.2. FDR vs Hoover

2.2.1. when Hoover was President the Great Depression was not as bad as when FDR took office.

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country.

2.3.2. Militarism & Alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to join the war. Militarism caused mass destruction for everyone

2.4. Assassination

2.4.1. JFK, MLK, and Malcolm X all were killed due to supporting or fighting for civil rights id someone is killed for supporting civil rights it will just lead to more people fighting

2.5. Vietnam

2.5.1. Lyndon B. Johnson and Richard Nixon lied to the American people and the world about the Vietnam War. They knew the severity of the situation and what they were getting into and they both chose to keep that to themselves rather than notifying the people who needed to hear it the most. LBJ knew that the Vietnam War was not completely necessary and that the American soldiers would have an awful time, but he still sent soldiers over. Richard Nixon knew how bad things were in Vietnam and how the North Vietnamese were inching closer and closer, but he still decided not to tell the American people. As leaders of a great nation, it is their responsibility to make sure this country is safe and informed, and their mistakes have set the precedent for what future presidents should do in this situation.

3. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

3.1. Immigration

3.1.1. 23.5 million people entered the U.S. throughout the 1920s

3.1.2. Came to the U.S. to create a better life for their families and themselves.

3.1.3. Different cultures coming together to make a very unique America

3.1.4. Immigrants provided new technology, took up jobs most Americans did not want

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this.

3.3. 1920

3.3.1. Harlem Renaissance As a new type of people move to an area, they will add to the culture

3.4. Civil Rights

3.4.1. Young people started moving to the north because of the issues in the south

3.5. Communist Cuba

3.5.1. When a gov't takes away private businesses there will be mass migration of its citizens of another country

3.6. Vietnam

3.6.1. When America realized that the war was a lost cause they had to flee out of Vietnam quickly. Hundreds of Vietnamese fled Vietnam to escape the forces of the North and communism. 30 thousand soldiers fled America to Canada to avoid the war, and 20 thousand deserted. This made America realize how much their decisions and involvement effects others.

4. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

4.1. 1920s Working Class Situaiton

4.1.1. When wages go up and hours go down people have more leisure time to go out and do things that are entertaining.

4.2. Credit

4.2.1. If you don't have cash to be able to buy something, it is better to think ahead then to end up in serious debt

4.3. Great Depression

4.3.1. Keep the stock market balanced do not sell when you should be buying and do not buy when you should be selling. When taking out loans for stocks make sure they are reasonable and easy to pay back

4.3.2. Do not keep buying stock when you are already in debt. When applying for loans make sure you can pay them back.

4.4. New Deal

4.4.1. The economy was able to get back on their feet with new regulations in order

4.5. WW2

4.5.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conservation, production, and investment

4.5.2. Supporting other countries will lead them to support us and the economic gain

4.6. 1920

4.6.1. Mass Production As goods are mass producing they become cheaper so more can afford it

4.7. Civil RIghts

4.7.1. Bus Boycotts made American realize that they needed African Americans contributing to society to generate money and keep it going

5. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

5.1. World War I

5.1.1. Media drove citizen's undecided perspectives to change

5.2. WWII

5.2.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones

5.2.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing and persecution of Jews in Europe until America got involved

5.3. Cold War

5.3.1. The fear of Communism spreading through the television scared many Americans citizens and especially Hollywood

5.4. Civil Rights Movement/Freedom Marches

5.4.1. Reporters were able to show the severity of the situation and spread it globally

5.5. Emmett Till

5.5.1. His death sparked the Civil Rights movement

5.6. Vietnam

5.6.1. The official leaders of America told the media and the public what they wanted to hear. By doing that they essentially lied to all of America and the world about what was going on in Vietnam. The American public was not allowed to truly witness what was happening over in Vietnam. Nobody knew that the American soldiers were being destroyed by the enemies or drinking their lives away. All of that information was kept hidden, except for the positive things and ideas that the Presidents told the media. Something as big as this gets the American people angry. Being lied to creates a lot of anger throughout the country and many people join protests to stop the war and other wars like this to come.

6. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

6.1. World War I

6.1.1. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

6.1.2. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. due to the Great Depression, America's relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves.

6.2.2. Expansion, when too many countries attempt world domination, it creates mass conflict

6.2.3. Stalingrad tough Hitler that the Soviet Union is a bigger opponent than they thought

6.2.4. Okinawa crippled the Japanese and cut out supplies from their airway

6.3. WWI

6.3.1. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent it it hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

6.3.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a boarder conflict

6.4. Early Cold War Alliances

6.4.1. Conflict was created due to positive

6.5. Cold War

6.5.1. NATO set the tempo for future foreign military alliances and created future allies for America.

7. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

7.1. Post War Advancements

7.1.1. radios, film, home appliances, automobiles, credit. Made the country more compact. Brought America together.

7.2. World War I Warfare

7.2.1. A lot of new technology in society we will be ill prepared for what can happen in war

8. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

8.1. Women Advancement Society

8.1.1. Gained the right to vote in 1920

8.1.2. More openly expressed themselves, changed the way society perceived them. Less adult supervision from parents. Became more free with their love life

8.1.3. Started working more with better pay. More improvement in the workforce and getting better jobs. Less children per family due to birth control.

8.1.4. Were able to get a better education and attend College because they were getting married right away

8.2. African Americans

8.2.1. Harlem Renaissance

8.3. WW2

8.3.1. Japanese Internment Camps violated the Constitution deeming the whole thing unconstitutional.

8.3.2. Women proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many goods while the men were at war.

8.3.3. African proved that they were equal by fighting for their country and breaking barriers

8.4. Vietnam

8.4.1. American citizens were denied the right to know what they were going to war for and the choice to go to war. Many soldiers that ended up in the war were either: escaping some type of trouble, got drafted, or joined voluntarily. When being denied these rights some American men and women begin to protest over the war. These protests lead to a lot dysfunction and chaos in America. It is important for America to always keep the people informed to reduce chances of protest and chaos in America.