US History Lessons Learned

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US History Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History Lessons Learned

1. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

1.1. WW2

1.1.1. Expansion-When so many countries are trying to expand and create world domination, it creates conflict within the countries

1.1.2. Due to the Great Depression, Americans relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves

1.1.3. Stalin Grad taught hilter that the soviet union is a bigger opponent than they thought

1.1.4. crippled the Japanese and cut out supplies from their army

1.1.5. Conflict war created due to positive relationship with communists countries

1.2. Early Cold War

1.2.1. Alliances- the cold war is based on us having different alliances and helping out each other with different needs. Alliances can be helpful in some ways but not always. Creating alliances either have a positive or negative effect

1.2.2. Marshall Plan-America began to pay for fiances and repairs in Europe. To make alliances with the other countries, so they would have our back if something went wrong. NATO Make alliances before anything happens Can not trade if you are a communist country.

1.3. WW1

1.3.1. Allies can draw the country into another conflict

1.3.2. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

1.4. World war 1

1.4.1. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

1.4.2. When the US involved in World Affairs to a large extent, it was hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

1.5. Gulf of Tonkin (Vietnam)

1.5.1. History- The us government was planning on attacking Vietnam for a while and knew at one point they would have to before August 1964. There was communism going on near Southeast Asia and the South Vietnam area was not very hopeful.They were planning on doing a secret attack way before these attacks. The United states was attack on August 2nd by Vietnamese by they never announced the attack to anyone and did not really take any action. On August fourth they thought the U.S.S Maddox was attacked again by Vietnamese, but they were not and they decided to take action this time. This was the starting of why they went to war and there reasoning of going into was with North Vietnam was under false pretense.

1.5.2. Lesson Learned- We should not make assumptions about what another country is doing to us. We should not be so quick to take action to something and should sort out a more thought out plan. We jumped into something we should not have gone into. You should not start a war because of one attack or inaccurate things. Do not get involved in other countries foreign relations.

1.6. Hamburger Hill

1.6.1. History-The Americans troops had conquered Hamburger Hill on a short term bases. They conquered it and spent so much time getting it and then they just left the hill like it did not matter. So many lives were taken on that hill and they had just left it behind for North Vietnamese to take back. This hill helped represent the rest of the missions during the Vietnam War. There was no clear finishing point of this war and they were just doing random attacks and were using up all there resources. Soldiers started to be convinced that this war they are fighting may not be worth fighting and they began to express there disapproval of this war. When Anti-War protesters heard about Hamburger Hill, they were very upset and it helped them show more people that this war was useless and many people died for really no reason

1.6.2. Lessons Learned- We should not give up something we had worked hard for. We need to plan for our wars and not let others take things so easily.

1.7. Soldiers life

1.7.1. History: A soldiers life at Vietnam was not very pleasant. There was a lot of issues and things that did not work out. A lot of the soldiers have never dealt with jungle and the jungle helped hide the enemy. There was many hit and run attacks and they were not very successful. You could never tell North and South apart so they were attacking areas they should not have attacked. They never saw who they were fighting because the enemy did not have uniforms and they did hit and run attacks. The Vietcong had tunnels that allowed them to hide away from the Americans. The enemy used booby traps, so they would get attacked by surprise. The trrops used Napalm and AGent Orange which caused many issues with health in the future for anayone that was exposed to it.

1.7.2. Lesson- We should not go into a battle we are not really prepared for. We need to prepare our soldiers with all different types of lands and terrains. In the future, we should train our soldiers better and not use harmful chemicals, that can cause health issues in the future

1.8. Anti-War movement

1.8.1. History: While ending this war we caused many issues that had gotten back to the public and made the public and the anit-war movement grow stronger. A huge issue was the My Lai Massacre (US soldiers killed 350 civilians and many people were upset). The anti-war protesters were furious and began to bring more attention to this. When the soldiers came home, they were not welcomed at all. They were ashamed of them fighting and did not want anyone to know that they had been fighting in this war. So many soldiers through there badges from this war because they were not proud of it. Eventually they were proud of themselves for going into this war. Many of the anti-war movements were lead by vets from Vietnam.

1.8.2. Lesson- We should listen to the people and not try and hid our mistakes. Many people had not agreed with this war and did not support this war. When such a large number of people do not support something, you might be doing something wrong and need to change what is happening.

2. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

2.1. Prohibition

2.1.1. When the government banned a popular thing, violence increased.

2.1.2. The government spent so much trying to enforce something that failed. Very expensive and it did not work.

2.2. 1920s working class situation

2.2.1. Since there was a lot of immigrants coming in and that women started working more and not just being house wives. Increase income

2.2.2. When wages go up and hours go down, there is more time to go out an do fun stuff because they have more time.

2.3. Credit

2.3.1. When society becomes too much in debt. When there's too much credit taken out, they are big trouble when the economics goes down.

2.4. Great Depression/New Deal

2.4.1. when the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased.

2.5. Courses of Great Depression

2.5.1. So many people went into debt and it increased american debt. it was started because of the stock market crash in 1929. Distributions of wealth in 1920s. Banks failed. There was bubbles in that would cause major problems. Farmers struggled. People bought stocks on margin. Average debt was increases.

2.6. WW2

2.6.1. People on the home front were more than willing to help with war by conserving, producing and investing

2.6.2. supporting other countries will lead them to support us and economic gain

2.7. Great Depression

2.7.1. Do not keep buying stock when in debt. When applying for loans make sure they can be paid back

2.8. 1920

2.8.1. mass production- as goods are mass produced they become cheaper so more can afford them

2.9. Civil Rights

2.9.1. Bus boycotts made the American society realize how much African Americans are important to the economic growth and decay of America

3. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

3.1. African American

3.1.1. They began to move up to the north and began taking jobs from the people already living in the north

3.1.2. They moved because of slavery in the south.

3.2. Immigration

3.2.1. If we let too many people into our country, it will take our jobs away and it will decrease wages and make people angry and create violence.

3.3. WW2

3.3.1. Many Jewish poeple attempted to leave the country and fleed to toher countries so they would not be killed or go through hilter cruel treatment and other countries did not step in early which could have prevented this

3.4. 1920

3.4.1. Harlem Renaissance, as a new type of people move to an area, they will add to the new culture

3.5. Communist Cuba

3.5.1. When a government takes away private business there will be a mass migration of its citizens to another country

3.6. Great Miigration

3.6.1. When Something bad went wrong you were able to get out. Many younger people moved and started the Protest. The Young people were always the drivers of change in Society. They started many of the protest

4. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

4.1. MAIN

4.1.1. When leaders focus to much on MAIN is destabilizes world peace

4.2. FDR vs Hoover

4.2.1. FDR helped the natioin and began to create that New Deal programs during the GD, but many people also did not like him adn thought he did not help at all. Hoover was right when the stock market crashed so many people did not like Hoover.

4.3. WW2

4.3.1. Alliances- When more powerful leaders and countries join together, it can cause greater and more destructive things

4.3.2. Alliances can drag other people into the war and cause more unnecessary countries in the war.

4.3.3. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being take to protect their country.

4.3.4. A powerful leader like hilter id willing to fight to the end, Russia is strong and willing to take high casualty rates

4.3.5. Militarism and alliances, when more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning forces other countries to join the war. Causesd mass destruction for everyone

4.4. Early Cold War

4.4.1. The red scare began to rise and Joseph McCarthy, really started the spread of it. There was a huge mass fear created in America. Joseph created this to try and solve a problem so he could stay in office

4.5. Martin Luther King Jr vs. Malcolm X

4.5.1. They both had different view points but had different ways of taking action. The more people you get involved, the more likely you are to succeed. Non- violence, self defense

4.6. Assassination

4.6.1. JFK MLK and Malcolm X all were killed due to supporting or fighting for civil rights if someone is killed for supporting civil rights if will just had to more people fighting

4.7. Nixons plan to end the war (Vietnam)

4.7.1. History- Nixon's plan to end the Vietnam war was not successful and did not end with peace. His solution was the start the process of Vietnamization to get American troops out of Vietnam. He began to bomb North Vietnam to help with getting American troops out of Vietnam and start placing South Vietnamese troops there. It was a very slow process and mostly did not work. Nixon continued to bomb the North Vietnamese until the agreed to sign the Paris Peace accord in 1972. North Vietnam eventually agreed to sign the treaty and all of American Troops left and they left South Vietnam to fend for themselves. After the U.S. troops left, North Vietnam poured into the South and took Saigon on April 30th, 1975. Nixon did not achieve his objective to stop communism in this war. Many Americans began to not trust the government because of how many times they were lied to and how much they had lost. This war was a huge loss for Americans and America

4.7.2. Lesson Learned- We should think of more thought out plans before jumping to a quick solution. We should stick to our word and not harm innocent people. A lot of the bombing that Nixon had done was in towns with Innocent. We should not be so quick to bomb something and we should leave no country behind. We should have never started this war because we had no real purpose of fighting it

5. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

5.1. Radios

5.1.1. When the radio was created, it allowed us to be connected more and more.

5.2. WW1

5.2.1. Newspapers and articles caused peoples points of view changed. This made people believe in the war when people were already neutral. Very biases.

5.3. WW2

5.3.1. we learned that creating persuading posters that showed bad things that can be fixed by better ones (aka "I gave a man, give a war bond)

5.3.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing of Jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events.

5.4. Mass Spread of communism, people in the soviet union grew stronger when more people joined the communist side.

5.5. Early cold war

5.5.1. Red scare, the arrest of the Hollywood ten caused mass hysteria in America, people begin watching tv, Joseph McCarthy uses fear over the tv to gain popularity. TV can really hurt society

5.6. Freedom Riders

5.6.1. Freedom riders caused violence to gain attention by the media and grab the medias attention

6. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

6.1. Pros and advancements

6.1.1. radios and new technology was created

6.1.2. A bunch of electric home-ware and in home products.

6.1.3. By having technology it made our cities and working more advanced and easy to work with

6.2. WW1

6.2.1. When there is a lot of new technology in society, we will be ill prepared for war. We won't be ready for when it comes to warfare.

6.3. WW2

6.3.1. Atomic Bomb- Japan surrendered, stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and it will kill many people

6.4. Early cold war

6.4.1. Sputnik-started the race to space and made the soviet union and the U.S. be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you don't need to rush to be better than the other country because it's risky.

6.4.2. Sputnik-Started the space race and it proved that the Soviet Union was stronger than the U.S.. Created more competition between the soviet and US. Don't rush something to try and fit in or a win a race, you can make fun of your self.

6.5. Emmett Till

6.5.1. Emmett Tills open casket saw his face all over the news and became angry

7. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

7.1. Womens progress

7.1.1. The 19th amendment helped woman gain the right to vote and thye started to get more involved in the government and politics

7.1.2. Women started to become more independent and did not get married

7.1.3. They started working more, getting married later, and having less kids later in life

7.1.4. Flappers became a huge thing for women and they started going out and doing things they wanted to do and was no tied down by men or there parents apart of the "love life"

7.2. WW2

7.2.1. Japanese interment camps violated the constitution deeming it unconstitutional

7.2.2. Women proved to be fruitful during the WW2 producing many goods

7.2.3. African Americans proved that they were equal by fighting for their country

7.3. Origins of the civil rights movement: Laws were created that segregated black people in the US. Many blacks were scared for there lives and they wanted to take a stand. (Jim crow laws, Emmett till)

7.4. Civil Rights Movement in Action

7.4.1. Violent and non-violent actions were taken to take a stand against the laws and segregation. The more African Americans started to protest, the more people began to take notice and take a stand.

7.4.2. African Americans learned that by gaining publicity, support from the government and Americans, they were able to receive bills that were passed to congress providing the right to vote

8. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

8.1. WW2

8.1.1. Many people thought the US would be the best place to go, but america was very hesitant to allowed everything occurring into their country ,so Jewish people were stuck

8.2. Early cold war.

8.2.1. Tried to stop the spread of communism but only created more fear. People started turning on each other. When people began accusing others. HUAC Hollywood ten, Mass Hysteria

8.3. Great Society: when the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs government debt will increase