US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. President Woodrow Wilson was the creator of the League of Nations yet this was not very effective in our time for the U.S. because we did not join them for this he was an effective leader because he tried to avoid any other possible conflicts with other countries

1.1. MAIN

1.1.1. When leaders focus too much on MAIN it disestablishes the peace of the world

2. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

2.1. 1920's working class financial situation

2.1.1. The wages went up by 25% and hours decreased so they had more free time more leisure time The stock market then crashed which led to less money and a lot of debt Prohibiion

2.2. The Great Depression

2.2.1. the stock market crashed and everyone struggle in the aspect of surviving people put money in the banks and they failed

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. People on the home front were more then will to help with production investment and conservation

2.3.2. Supporting other countries will lead them to support us and economic gain

2.4. 1920's

2.4.1. Mass production as goods are mass produced they become cheaper so more people can't afford it

2.5. Civil Rights

2.5.1. Bus Boycotts made the American society realize how much African Americans are important to the economic growth/ decay of America

3. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

3.1. The Great Migration was when African Americans Migrated to the North from the South due to racism and hate groups like the KKK

3.2. WW2

3.2.1. Many Jewish people attempted to leave the country and fled to other countries so they wouldn't be killed or go through Hitler's cruel treatments and because other countries did not step in earlier this was not prevented

3.3. 1920's

3.3.1. Harlem Rennaisance As a new type of people move to a new area, they will add to the culture

4. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

4.1. FDR vs. Hoover

4.1.1. Every believed that FDR did more than Hoover did as a president because Hoover didn't do anything and it was even said that no one would notice if he left office, yet FDR on the other hand wanted to make a change and that is when he put the new deal in place

4.2. WW2

4.2.1. Radical leaders are more likely to be discovered and supported due to the problems and precautions that are being taken to protect their country

4.2.2. Militarism and Alliances: When more powerful leaders work together it causes them to have a greater chance of winning which forces other countries to joint the war. In addition, militarism caused mass destruction for everyone

4.2.3. Fall of Germany: Hitler realizes that he is finished and kills himself...he always stated that he would fight until the very end. Russia is strong and is willing to take high casualty rates

4.3. Assassination

4.3.1. JFK. MLK, and MALCOLM X Were all were killed due to supporting or fighting fir civil rights.. If someone is killed for supporting civil rights it will just lead to more people fighting

4.4. Communist Cuba

4.4.1. When a government takes away private business there will be a mass migration of its citizens to another country

5. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

5.1. Prohibition

5.1.1. Government spent so much money to pass the law against prohibition and its was wasted

5.2. New Deal

5.2.1. FDR brought to the table ways to improve which Hoover did not. CCC, AAA, NIRA, FDIC, WPA< SSA

5.3. WW2

5.3.1. Germany had many restrictions to be able to leave the country and went through many background checks and documents of the people trying to exit....Many thought that the U.S. would be the best place to go yet due to the GD the United States did not want to let anything into the country so the Jewish were stuck

5.4. U.S. Policy of Containment

5.4.1. The government created the policy of containment which failed and created the uprising in mass hysteria

5.5. Great Society

5.5.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs government debt will

5.6. JFK?Cuban missile crisis

5.6.1. Tries to avoid the Cuban missile crisis

6. 1. Theme: Foreign Relations Topic: Gulf of Ton kin Content: Before the war started Vietnam was split into two and north Vietnam was turning communist america's whole thing at the time was stopping the spread of communism. The government wanted to get into a quick war with Vietnam to get rid of communism and stop it from spreading. Then two of America's naval ships were attacked off the coast and America wasnt sure whether or not it had been vietnam (it later came out that it wasn't) so then after the attack they used it as an excuse to get involved in the war. America was waiting for the slightest thing to get involved. America learned

7. 2. Theme: Government Topic: Military Camps. American troops had it the hardest in Vietnam. They were fighting and most didn't even know what they were fighting for. Unlike past wars when moral was high and everyone was proud to have fought in the war Vietnam was different. Many people were scared because during the day the people they would go into villages and see were innocent but at night they were the people attacking them and they couldn't do anything about it because it would've been a war crime. American Soldiers mental state was destroyed. So what the government decided to do was turn their camps to something like a party were there was alcohol, Drugs, women. This was a problem because after the war these people were screwed they were going to be dependent on drugs and alcohol and they are essentially being taught when they had a problem to turn to drugs and alcohol and when you introduce these war veterans back into society they have it really rough and sometimes end up without a home or worse. America learned that if moral was really that low that we should maybe not be in this war and we definetly should not introduce drugs and alcohol to camps

8. 3. Theme: Media Topic: Protest Everyone at home did not want to be involved in the war they wanted our loved ones home and they wanted us to stop spending money on the war. Protest were going on everywhere and people were getting fired up for tons of things. For example when the pentagon paper got leaked by Daniel Ellsberg. People were furious do see that not even the president and the government were 100% behind the war they were starting to question themselves. Huge protest like the protest were 800 Vietnam vets went up and threw their medals back to congress was sending messages to the government and the world that the citezens of America wanted out. The Vietnamese knew this they didn't believe they could beat America in a war but they knew that the war was highly unpopular and they just needed to resist american until they had to pull out. America learned that when fighting a war they should let the public know the governments goal from this war and when to pull out of a war

9. 4. Theme Government Topic: Paris Peace Accords: When the war ended Vietnam and America signed a treaty were it said that North Vietnam would remain communist and leave south Vietnam alone as long as America pulled out of Vietnam. Then north Vietnamese signed it and agreed to these terms. But the north Vietnamese were smart and knew how unpopular this war was so as soon as America pulled out they went and conquered south Vietnam and the entire country fell to communism. It is important to note why America just let it happen. because they couldn't anything because the public was not going to have it it would be extremely unpopular to go back to Vietnam. America learned that fighting such an unpopular war would result in a huge loss of people and a terrible outcome

10. 5. Theme: Technology Topic: Weapons and warfare America used many cruel tactics in Vietnam because they had few options. American used 3x as much bombs as they did in world war 2 and the Vietnamese hid under ground and escaped the bombing. the bombing were extremely costly and costed tons of money. Americans also used napalm. Napalm was basically a fire but in a jelly substance and once it got on you there was no taking it. Americans also used agent orange to get rid of vegetation but what they didnt know is it caused all sorts of cancer in the vietnamese and the americans. America learned from this and banned agent orange and napalm from future wars and they are way less cruel in todays wars

11. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

11.1. World War 2

11.1.1. America on the home front

11.1.2. Japanese internment camps violated the constitution deeming the whole thing unconstitutional

11.1.3. Women proved to be fruitful during WW2 producing many goods while men were at war

11.1.4. African Americans proved they were equal by fighting battles and breaking barriers

11.2. Civil Rights movements

11.2.1. African Americans learned that by gaining the publicity, support from the government and Americans, they were able to receive bills that were passed to congress providing the right to cote

12. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

12.1. International Technology

12.1.1. We now have better advancements with technology, we are now connected better with an interconnection between the country the radio, television, motor vehicles

12.2. WW1

12.2.1. Warfare: When there is a lot of new technology will not be ready for it when it comes to warfare

12.3. WW2

12.3.1. Reason Japan surrendered: stopped fighting because they realized how strong it was and that it would kill many more people

12.4. Early Years or the Cold War

12.4.1. Sputnik Started the race to space and made the Soviet Union and the U.S. be in competition with each other. The lesson learned is that you don't need to rush to be better than the country because its risky

13. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

13.1. WW1

13.1.1. Articles in the newspaper could cause people to start believing in other things and drive our perspective to be bias towards something

13.2. WW2

13.2.1. We learned that creating persuading posters that showed things that can be fixed by the better ones Home front

13.2.2. The American media before the war did not glorify the killing and the persecution of Jews in Europe until they got involved with the war. We learned that the media can change through war and other drastic events

13.3. Red Scare

13.3.1. Hollywood 10 Produced mass hysteria because the 10 men didn't not confess to congress because they knew that if they said they were guilty or worked with communist that they would say everyone in Hollywood was communist. ~ Fear mongering

13.4. LBJ

13.4.1. Free Riders Caused violence in which the media was involves

13.5. Emmett Till

13.5.1. Emmett Till's open casket allowed others to see what happened to him and it sparked a movement

14. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

14.1. World War 1

14.1.1. When the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

14.1.2. Forming Allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

14.2. World War 2

14.2.1. Due to the Great Depression America's relationships with other countries were failing because they were protecting themselves

14.2.2. Expansion: When too many countries attempt world domination it creates mass conflict

14.2.3. Stalin Grad taught Hitler that the Soviet Union was a bigger opponent then they thought

14.2.4. Okinawa: crippled the Japanese and cut out supplies from their army

14.3. Early Years of the Cold War

14.3.1. Conflict was created due to positive relation ships with capitalist countries and negative relationships with communist countries

14.4. Spread of Communism

14.4.1. The Soviet Union tried to spread communism as the U.S. tried to prevent this because we want strong trading partners and the S.U. didn't want us to have strong trading partners