US History II Lessons Learned

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US History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: US History II Lessons Learned

1. WW2

1.1. were able to get women

2. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

2.1. Presidents

2.1.1. The effectiveness of presidents are determined by the people.

2.1.2. Republican FDR and his helping government saved the needy Americans. Hoover was too conservative and expected things to change without doing anything which is a tough lesson he learned.

2.1.3. JFK, LBJ, MLK, RFK Got killed for helping supported.

2.2. M.A.I.N

2.2.1. When leaders focus too much on MAIN, it destabilizes World Peace.

2.2.2. radical ideas,

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. Miltiarism and alliances, when powerful countries work together, they are harder to beat which forces the target's alliances to jump int he war which causes masss destruction fofor evryone.

2.3.2. Rdical presidents with radical ideas were supported due to the problems in the US

2.4. Cold War

2.4.1. Truman is one of the best presidents or the best showed presidents.

2.5. Vietnam War (Ignore Numbers before the word vietnam, I can't take them off)

2.5.1. Nixon had made very bad decisions to start the war on unjust reasons and lie to start it, have terrible strategies and say it was successful when it clearly costed america a lot of money and lives and they got nothing in return or changed the country at all.

2.5.2. Nixon's plan to bomb them more than any has ever done and to get nothing back was pure Hitler and Stalin behavior which is a lesson to change that government way of president authoirty.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. Prohibition

3.1.1. When the gov. banned alcohol, the lesson is the gov. can't control the people and they found ways around it. Violence increased. The gov. spent so much money trying to enforce it and ineffective.

3.2. New Deal

3.2.1. FDR used his responsibility to help the people but did not use his power to change the country into socialism or do anything that didn't help the country because he obviously cured the depression and didn't gain any power from abusing it. He might have stretched his power but it all helped and worked out in the end. The Soviets were too powerful and were very agressive as Hitler was to not give up.

3.3. End of WW

3.4. WW2

3.4.1. The US gov. should have let the Jews come in during the Holocaust.

3.5. Cold War

3.5.1. Containment The government will spend money and resources like it's nothing. They fiercley believe in whatever they believe and do everything they can to do it.

3.6. Great Society

3.6.1. When the governments decreases taxes and creates large social programs, governemtn debt will increase.

3.6.2. The government meant to help will help if they use debt as the solution.

3.7. Vietnam War

3.7.1. The government was very disciminatory to the minorities and the poor that were drafted in the war and they had no realtion to the government so they were all forced to fight and that killed the spirit of the soldiers in war.

4. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

4.1. MLK and Molcolm X

4.2. Boycotts

4.2.1. Economic effects can be very effective because they make companies poor.

4.3. Movement

4.3.1. Non-violence is the key to being the victim. All about long-term sucess.

4.3.2. Be able to vote

4.3.3. Emmit Till Everyone saw what happened which start the movement.

4.3.4. MLK People had very different views and ways to help the Civil Rights Movement but were successful.

4.3.5. Malcom X

4.3.6. Freedom Riders caused violence to gain media attention to end segregation.

5. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

5.1. New tech

5.1.1. We are interconnected with our country.

5.2. Freedom of Press

5.2.1. The media are too biased, and we should critic it so we don't make biased decisions.

5.3. Joseph McCarthy

5.3.1. Our government officials can influence our ideas and create hysteria and even frame innocent people.

5.4. Cold War

5.4.1. Spread of fear through TV with McCarthy, it can hurt society or help it on an national level. Fear Mongoring,Mongaling

5.5. Vietnam War

5.5.1. The spread of opposition of the Vietnam war was the most massive of all wars because of the terrible strategies of the war that were amplified in the media. There were protests, and newspapers and almost everyone was against it because of so many reasons. The media reflected the society as hating the war. The lesson is that we have is that the government has looked bad because of this and has done nothing of it which they should do something to stop it.

6. World War I

6.1. When the US is involved in world affairs to a large extent it is hard to stay neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

6.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict.

7. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

7.1. 1920s working class financial situation

7.1.1. Pay increased by 25% in factories. Americans had more time and money to spend because they had increased wages and less hours to work. Do fun stuff.

7.2. Credit

7.2.1. When society becomes too much debt, too much credit, they are in trouble.

7.3. Causes Of Great Depression

7.3.1. Many little things added up to cause it. (Not one single thing caused it alone).

7.3.2. America died during the depression because it lacked economic stability after being in a major war.

7.4. Trials

7.4.1. FDR was clearly there to help the people through the depression and even though he was accused of violating the Constitution for his programs, they also helped so he meant no harm and shouldn't be shamed for what good he did.

7.5. WW2

7.5.1. Peopel were happy to help the US army byconserving, investing, and producing

7.6. Cold War

7.6.1. Spread of Communism We were the China in the 60s, mass producing. We need non-communist countries so we can trade. US will always support coutries that trade with us.

7.7. Vietnam

7.7.1. They had very high costs with very unclear goals and not much success. They killed their allies, The end result was to make an agreement and accept the loss and to stop wasting money. They couldn’t enforce the agreement because they didn’t want to start another disagreement so they literally did nothing but waste $10,000 for every dollar they inflicted on them.

8. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

8.1. WW2

8.1.1. Civil Rights Japenese internmetn waws unconsttinoal, women were more fruitfull, and African Americans fought for their country, *equality

8.2. Jim Crow Laws

8.2.1. People will move away from severe problems. African American US Great Migration. It's up to the majority to defend the oppressed.

8.3. Great Migration

8.3.1. The option to get out. Young people were the protesters, black panthers and left to the North. black Panthers ended because they grew up. Young people are always the change in the society.

8.4. Vietnam

8.4.1. The vietnam migration after they got conquered by communism shows that all of the South that could get out just left and luckily the US let them in but many would realize that it wasn’t wise how bad they defended South Vietnam and wouldn’t want to live there but others wouldn’t care or say they tried. The lesson is there’s always the option of leaving a country even if you lost a war.

9. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

9.1. World War I Gas Warfare

9.1.1. It was the most deadly thing in war and had to be banned. They aren't allowed to use it ever on anyone again. To advanced.

9.1.2. We will be ill prepared for the War, not ready for the technology.

9.2. New Tech.

9.2.1. Radios, washing machines, vacuums, dishwasher, refrigerator. It made everyday life better.

9.3. End of WWII

9.3.1. Atomic bomb The Atomic bomb was too dangerous for military use just like gas warfare. But it was necessary

9.3.2. Reason Japan surrendered

9.4. Cold War

9.4.1. TV

10. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

10.1. WW2

10.1.1. impact of world affairs

10.1.2. Too many countries attmept world domination, creates massive conflict.

10.1.3. Stalin was a bigger opponent than they thought (nazis)

10.1.4. Due to GD, the US's realtionships wer draining because everyone was for themselvves.

10.2. Cold War

10.2.1. The US is very strong in foreign relations with all of the policies.

10.2.2. Spread of Communism

10.3. JFK

10.3.1. Open lined communication is important that you compromise like Cuban Missile Crisis.

10.4. Vietnam War

10.4.1. Going to war Don't make rules that aren't very well thought out and strict because there are always exceptions or things you didn't consider. In the case of the US, they tried to go to war with North Vietnam because they wanted to change their government which is invasion of privacy. They lied about being attacked by Vietnam to fight them but they didn't realize that Vietnam had a will to fight for their independence and war.

10.5. World War II

10.5.1. Appeasement DOES NOT WORK: When you let a country get away with their wrongdoing, they will continue to act in ways they should not.

11. New Deal (Governmetn) + (Economics) Trial