Big Boi Mind Map

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Big Boi Mind Map by Mind Map: Big Boi Mind Map

1. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

1.1. WW1

1.1.1. When the U.S is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out.

1.1.2. Forming allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

1.1.3. An effective treaty/ plan will be needed to prevent a similar future project

1.1.4. When one country alone is blamed for a conflict, another conflict may result

1.2. WW2

1.2.1. Appeasement is not a successful tactic when the opposing leader is aggressive

1.3. Great Depression

1.3.1. During bad times, a nation may not be able to focus on international affairs

1.4. Early Cold War

1.4.1. If information is kept from an ally, conflict could result.

1.5. Vietnam War

1.5.1. Containment/ peace agreements: In the Paris peace accord, North Vietnam and the U.S sign the treaty, stopping the official war. However, since the North Vietnamese know that without American support, the ARVN are very weak, they do not follow the accord and decide to invade South Vietnam. In a short time, Siagon falls and North Vietnam took over. Communism spread, therefore containment is a failure and the war is a loss. This shocks the public because this is the first war America really lost. The lesson was that in a peace agreement, if each side cannot hold the other accountable (enforced), the agreement will not be followed. The more powerful nation will take advantage and will usually invade the other nation.

2. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

2.1. WW1

2.1.1. After the sinking of the Lusitania, media released the info. about how the Germans sunk it, it angered citizens and eventually led the U.S into WW1

2.2. 1920's

2.2.1. The Scopes trial was heavily covered by media and many people went into court to express their opinion (

2.3. WW2

2.3.1. Media can be used to manipulate people for the greater good to help war efforts

2.4. Vietnam War

2.4.1. Gulf of Tonkin/ Lies: Rusk explains in a telegram that attacking North Vietnam is a bad idea since the public will find out and a secret attack will not be possible. An attack on North Vietnam will look like America is trying to start a war by making the first attack. This foreshadows that the media will be able to pick up every minute thing that goes on in Vietnam and generals and government officials will not be able to get away with lying to the public. These lies destroy public opinion on the war. The lesson of this is that when media is involved, the government cannot lie to its citizens.

2.4.2. Hamburger hill/ Tet Offensive: The Tet offensive was an attack on South Vietnam/ American troops by the North Vietnamese and Hamburger Hill was a hill that was to be taken by the Americans. Although these were military victories for America, they were political losses. 200+ soldiers were killed in a single week during Hamburger Hill and both Hamburger Hill and the Tet Offensive seem to the public like an unjustifiable loss of life. When Hamburger Hill was taken over, American troops left soon after letting the North Vietnamese take over, losing the hill for the Americans. To the public, there was no objective or visible sign of progress in the war. Therefore, public opinion crumbled. The lesson is that public opinion on a topic can be very powerful and influential to the government and that during some kind of campaign, visible progress must be present for public opinion to stay positive.

3. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

3.1. 1920's

3.1.1. Technologies that connect everyone more closely give people a bigger identity

3.2. WW1

3.2.1. New technology can change how wars are fought and change strategies used to fight them World was not ready

3.3. WW2

3.3.1. New and powerful technology can be used to end a conflict, but can be the source of another

3.3.2. Competition can promote an increase in advanced technology

3.3.3. Technology can be advantageous when only 1 person has it, but if more people get it, conflict can result

3.4. Vietnam War

3.4.1. Operation Rolling Thunder: This operation was a massive bombing raid over the Ho Chi Minh trail (essentially a supply line) in Vietnam/ Indochina area. This bombing raid was much bigger than any other bomb raid campaign done by any country. This operation had the goal of slowly pulling troops out of Vietnam by giving "cover fire" and pulling North Vietnam into a peace agreement. Much like in WW2, the lesson is that technology can be used to one's advantage to force a peace agreement on the other side and/or end a war.

4. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

4.1. WW1/1920's

4.1.1. During times of war, civil rights always improve (not just for african americans)

4.2. 1920's

4.2.1. Women's progress made them more independant

4.3. WW2

4.3.1. Disfranchised groups can rise in the heat of a conflict to help the country or replace those who fight

5. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

5.1. Prohibition/ 1920's

5.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

5.1.2. Creating laws the prohibit something could even increase consumption and increase its presence in the black market Increase of gangs

5.2. Great Depression

5.2.1. By FDR creating the New Deal, questions were brought up concerning the transformation of the U.S into a socialist country due to certain programs

5.2.2. If a country is in economic downturn, socialist activities may be needed to fix it

5.2.3. During bad economic times, people will favor more democratic governments

5.2.4. During bad times, people's political views will turn more radical

5.3. WW2

5.3.1. When a leader/ dictator has too much power, than can do whatever they want until they are stopped

5.3.2. Because a dictator in so powerful, many people can be persecuted or die

5.4. Vietnam War

5.4.1. Government Lies: The very first lie to the public was at the very beginning of the war. On August 2nd in 1964 there was an attack on Maddox and there was no response. On August 4th, the government thought there was an attack so they went to war with Vietnam, although there was no actual attack on the 4th. Later when Nixon was in the presidency, he claimed that the process of Vietnamization (Replacing American troops with ARVN troops) was a success in Cambodia, however it was a disaster and the North Vietnamese ran over the South Vietnamese troops. This lie gets out to the public and public opinion of Nixon plummets. Nixon would resign soon after the watergate scandal. All the lies and deception leads to a huge drop in public opinion and trust in the government. Since then, most Americans do not think the government is working towards their self interest. The lesson is that when a government lies, deceives, or acts in poor interest of the public, they will lose trust in the government.

6. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

6.1. Great Depression

6.1.1. During bad times, people will seek help from the government,; not able to fix it themselves

6.1.2. FDR wanted to actively be involved with the solution so people voted for him

6.2. WW2

6.2.1. An aggressivve millitary leader can only be stopped aggressively (appeasement doesn't work)

6.2.2. Having an "enemy" as an ally can promote competition and harder fighting, but may lead to tension after the war

6.2.3. Aggressive leaders are very hard to defeat

7. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

7.1. WW1

7.1.1. During times of war, production of goods needs to increase so people will move to urban areas

7.2. 1920's

7.2.1. Immigrants like to live in consolidated areas (common culture) More cultural diversity

7.3. WW2

7.3.1. Ignorance or apathy towards an international conflict can come at price (America didn't let jews in during the holocaust)

8. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

8.1. 1920's

8.1.1. More pay + Less Work = More time for leisure for working class

8.1.2. If demand drops but supply stays the same like towards the end of the 1920's, it could cause an economic collapse

8.1.3. Lots of credit could lead to a depression: mass consumption

8.2. Great Depression

8.2.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased

8.2.2. Bad agricultural and economical practices and policies along with supply>demand caused economic downturn

8.2.3. When supply is much greater than demand, the value of it could fall

8.2.4. If the value of something increases too fast, it could form a bubble and pop