U.S. History II Lessons Learned

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U.S. History II Lessons Learned by Mind Map: U.S. History II Lessons Learned

1. ***Technology*** How does technology impact society?

1.1. 1920s Improved Quality of Life

1.1.1. Communication- radio, tv, phones

1.1.2. Travel-cars

1.2. Communications

1.2.1. when you have new technologies(radios) it helps to interconnect our entire country

1.3. World War I Warfare

1.3.1. Due to all technological advancements prior to WWI it changes the ways the world falls and we were not ready for it

1.4. End of World War II

1.4.1. New powerful weapons can quickly end war when one side has them

1.5. TV

1.5.1. seeing candidates appearance changes the outcome of elections

1.6. Interstate Highway System

1.6.1. Progression in transportation technology and the implementation of that technology will benefit society by making it easier to travel to places

2. ***Civil Rights:*** To what extent have the oppressed in America been able to attain an equality of life?

2.1. African Americans World War I/1920s

2.1.1. During times of war we always see civil rights improve

2.2. 19th Amendment

2.2.1. Women broke out of their shells

2.2.2. People wanted to achieve equality, no more sterotypes

2.2.3. Women became more independent

2.3. World War II

2.3.1. America on the Home Front Disenfranchised groups are needed and want to continue being needed in times where there us a connecting issue

2.4. Civil Rights Protest

2.4.1. Non violent protests can bring attention to events and make impacts without hurting anyone physically

2.5. Civil Rights Movement

2.5.1. When a radical idea is introduced to a group of individuals that have been the same for many years they will be reluctant to change

2.6. Black Panthers

2.6.1. If a movement is not making huge gains it will be involved in making more aggressive tactics.

2.6.2. Movements that move up quickly can also fall just as quickly.

2.7. Vietnam War

2.7.1. Treatment to Soldiers-Returning Home When soldiers came home from the war they were in shock and confused. Soldiers came home to no support or respect for the war they had just fought. Many soldiers were forced to go into this war and simply did not have a choice and were welcomed home to protests and violence everywhere. Some soldiers even threw away their medals and other honored materials because they did not believed they had deserved it anymore. Lesson: Respect what others have fought for no matter the outcome as many did not have a choice to fight the war.

2.7.2. Treatment to Soldiers-In Vietnam Many soldiers had never fought in a place like Vietnam before with all the jungle and mountains. Soldiers had a hard time distinguishing the North and South apart because there were no uniforms separating the two. North Vietnam had many tunnels built where they would shoot Americans from and the Americans would struggle to fight back because they would escape too quickly. Soldiers were often scared by booby-traps sneak attacks from the opposing side to startle them. The Soldiers were unprepared and not trains well enough for what they experienced in Vietnam. Lesson: Make sure you have war tactics and are prepared for the environment that you are going to war in.

3. ***Government:*** What is the role and responsibility of the American government?

3.1. Prohibition

3.1.1. Creating unpopular laws are hard to enforce

3.1.2. When the government tries to ban illegal drugs(or popular thing) its not very effective and is very costly

3.2. New Deal

3.2.1. Be sure that your economy and overall country is in stable conditions at all time

3.2.2. Be prepared for the worst to occur, as it is always a possibility

3.3. World War II

3.3.1. Totalitarianism When one person leads the country and no other citizens input will be put against what they want

3.4. Holocaust

3.4.1. Since Hitler was in power and kept pushing limits with persecution and no one stopped him he was able to continue what he was doing and kill that many people.

3.5. Great Society

3.5.1. When the government decreases taxes and creates large social programs debt will increase.

4. ***Migration*** What causes migration and how has it impacted America?

4.1. Harlem Renaissance/Migration

4.1.1. Immigrants like to live in consolidated areas bringing more diversity to the country

4.2. Holocaust

4.2.1. America didn't know the extent of the Holocaust and refused Jews entrance to the country and Hitler was able to keep advantage

5. ***Foreign Relations*** How have foreign entanglements influence America?

5.1. World War I

5.1.1. when the U.S. is involved in world affairs to a large extent, it is hard to be neutral if a major conflict breaks out

5.1.2. Forming Allies can draw the country into a broader conflict

5.1.3. since we were so involved in war affairs leading up to WWI it is hard to stay neutral in a conflict we will get involved because of our previous involvement

5.1.4. After we have ended a huge war we should create an effective treaty to remain in peace and avoid any future conflicts

5.1.5. The league of nations was ineffective because there was no way to show its power so it failed

5.2. World War II

5.2.1. Treaty of Versailles When there are unfair treaties that are placed on one or a few countries only, further disputes will come into play

5.3. Vietnam

5.3.1. "Attack" on U.S.S. Maddox The U.S.S. Maddox was attacked on August second by Vietnam, but the U.S. did not respond. The U.S.S. Maddox was again attacked on August 4th and they decided to respond and fight back. Later they realize that on August 4th they were not actually attacked and just attacked North Vietnam for no reason it seemed. Lesson: Do not go attacking another country until you are absolutely sure that you have a reason to fight back with evidence.

6. ***Media*** To what extent does the media influence people? To what extent does the media mirror or reflect society?

6.1. World War II

6.1.1. America on the Home Front the media , when necessary can be manipulated to serve the greater good by influencing people to aid in war efforts

6.2. Emmett Till

6.2.1. Emmett Till's open casket put in a perspective of the ways blacks were treated

6.3. Malcolm X MLK

6.3.1. Public awareness of issues and spread of C.R.M.

7. ***Leaders & Presidents*** What makes an effective or ineffective leader?

7.1. Hoover vs. FDR

7.1.1. improving the country as a whole is a priority

7.1.2. always follow the constitution

7.2. End of WWII

7.2.1. Leaders like Hitler who are willing to fight until the end can be challenging to defeat

7.3. America on the Homefront

7.4. World War II

7.4.1. Pivotal Battles a military leader who is aggressive can only be stopped aggressively Having an "enemy" become an ally promotes competition and harder fighting but can lead to tension after war

7.5. JFK Assignation

7.6. JFK-Cuban Missile Crisis

7.6.1. When a president is faced with a tough decision they should try to remain calm and fully think it through

7.7. LBJ

7.7.1. When a leader is assassinated their successor can use it to their advantage

7.8. Vietnam

7.8.1. End of War Nixon realizes that American troops need to get out of Vietnam so he decides to go with the idea of Vietnamization. This is where he would replace American troops with South Vietnamese troops. The process of Vietnamization was huge fail as South Vietnamese troops were not strong enough to fight against North Vietnamese troops. Eventually, the South falls to communism because the North defeats them and the United States had lost their first war since their goal was containment. Lesson: To leave a war successfully make sure that the replacement is fully ready to go into war and capable of fighting against a strong force.

7.8.2. After War After the war North Vietnamese troops go into the south fighting South Vietnamese troops and eventually conquering the South on April 30th, 1975 after taking Saigon. This was considered the United States first loss and they were in complete shock and disbelief. More than a million people had died within the war and American citizens were lied to multiple times by president Nixon on how the war was going and what was happening. The loss and lies of Vietnam cause many Americans to no longer trust the government. Lesson: Do not lie and "cheat" your citizens as they will turn their back on the government and no longer trust you.

8. ***Economics:*** How has economics impacted America & Americans?

8.1. Working Class

8.1.1. When you get paid more and work less you have more time for leisure

8.2. Great Depression

8.2.1. When the New Deal was created to fix the economic problems, it cost a lot of money and government debt increased

8.3. Causes of Great Depression

8.3.1. Do not allow bank amounts to become low enough for everyone to lose their money

8.4. New Deal

8.4.1. Make sure the economy is always prepared for a drop