My Network

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My Network by Mind Map: My Network

1. My friend: Jason Much like Carolynne, he can help with his familiarity and connections to other people.

2. Former computer science teacher: Ms. Nizio She's familiar with a lot of computer science-related things, including events and conventions that may be of interest.

3. My friend: Carolynne She has a lot of good ties with other people and she's been very helpful to me in the past.

3.1. Her friend: Mikayla One of Carolynne's closer friends. We honestly don't talk much.

3.1.1. Mikayla's mom She seems to be familiar with Canada and the environment from different perspectives (e.g. economical). I could ask her questions in regards to such.

4. My elder sister: Michelle She's attended a few universities and colleges before, so she knows the general necessities for applying to Uni.

5. Former math teacher: Mr. Lacko He's an all-round great math teacher, and he's one of the best math teachers I've had. He also knows how I perform so he could be used as reference for applying to Uni.

6. My parents They know a lot about saving and handling money, especially my mom. My father can be helpful with his familiarity on job interviews, as well as all the other knowledge he has. They can be used a front for communicating to other people, since other adults are more likely to take an adult more seriously, as well as my parents being better at understanding the situation.

6.1. My counselor Basically advisors, I can ask them for help (especially of the one which involves the community) for a wide variety of matters.

7. My friend: Basel He has experience in applying for volunteering as well as other career-related experiences. We've worked together before for filming and I've helped him with math, so he could make a good reference for me.