PreK-2 Technology Standards

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PreK-2 Technology Standards by Mind Map: PreK-2 Technology Standards

1. PK-2.CC.2. use a variety of developmentally appropriate digital tools (e.g., word processors, paint programs) to communicate ideas to classmates, families, and others

1.1. Use Tux Paint program to have students illustrate their knowledge of shapes and colors. Write names of shapes (with quantity desired) on an overhead or whiteboard, read them aloud to class. For an added challenge, request them in a specific color or pattern.

2. PK-2.TC.4. discuss the basic care for computer hardware and various media types (e.g., CDs, DVDs)

2.1. Demonstrate proper holding of CD's/DVD's, Have students pass CD from person to person while sitting on carpet. If done successfully, show class lack of fingerprints and scratching vs. one handled improperly.

3. PK-2.TC.7. demonstrate the ability to navigate in virtual environments (e.g., electronic books, games, simulation software, web sites)

3.1. Enroll students in and have them proceed at their own levels for reading as appropriate. Ensure they can log on, open and turn pages of books. and complete quizzes. Once comfortable, show them how to use points to purchase items to fill their virtual spaceships.

4. PK-2.CI.1. use a variety of digital tools (e.g., word processors, drawing tools, simulations, presentation software, graphical organizers) to learn, create, and convey original ideas or illustrate concepts

4.1. Use Tux Paint, (using shapes only) to create an original drawing. For added challenge, dictate the number and/or color of shapes or specify what the drawing should be (person, house, etc.)