1-theories of acquisition of second languages: learning a second language takes time and a lot of...

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1-theories of acquisition of second languages: learning a second language takes time and a lot of theories are shown here which help us to understand a little better the human learning and thus be able to teach it. by Mind Map: 1-theories of acquisition of second languages: learning a second language takes time and a lot of theories are shown here which help us to understand a little better the human learning and thus be able to teach it.

1. 5-Current Psychological theories: The cognitivist/ developmental perpective: As in first languaje adquisition cognitive and developmental Phychologist argue that there is no needto hypothesize that humanhave a languaje specific module in the brain or that acquisition and leraning are distinc mental prosess.

2. 6- Condusctismo: atribute greater importance to the role of envoroment that any specific innate knowledge in the learner, arguin that what is innate is simply the ability to learn no any specifically linguistic principles.

3. 7-Second Language applications: interacting, noticing, and processing: these researchers have studied the ways in which speakers modify their speech and their interaction patterns in order to help learners participate in a conversation or understand some information

4. 2-Learning contitions: Youngers learner, in informal second languaje learning enviroment are usually allowed to be silent until they are ready to speak. this means that they will ablaze until they have confidence in themselves without pretensions.

5. 3-Behaviourism: this theory explained learning in erms of imitation, practice, reinforcement and habit formation, was done whit laboratory animals, but the lerning process was hymnotized to be the same for humans

6. 4-Krashen`s Monitor model: one model of sencon languaje adquisition that influence by Chomky theory of firt languaje adquisition was stephen Krasher: 5 hypotheses acquisition learning, monitor Hiphotesis, Natural order, input Hipotesis.

7. 8-Input processing: comprehension skills are of great importance and Expression skills are acquired over time, by themselves. At the moment of communicating with a person who speaks in the target language and, we, as listeners, understand what he says even if we have not acquired complete said language, we are prepared to acquire input from a level higher than our.

8. 9-The sociocultural perpective: Vigotsky`s theory assumes that cognitive development, including languaje developmental, arises as result of social interactions.